Closing out half lots. - page 7

  if(OrderSelect(OrdersTotal(),SELECT_BY_TICKET,MODE_TRADES)==true && OpenOrdersThisPair(Symbol())==1 && OrderType()==OP_BUY){ // Even though I am calling "OP_BUY" here, it doesn't seem to work?
         double minLot  = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT);
                Print("The minimum lots are: ", DoubleToStr( minLot, Digits ));
         double lotStep = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP);
                Print("The Lotstep is: ", DoubleToStr( lotStep, Digits ));
         double half    = MathCeil(OrderLots()/2/lotStep)*lotStep;
                Print("The Lots to close is: ", DoubleToStr( half, Digits ));
      for( int c=OrdersTotal()-1; c >=0; c-- )
            Print("Order Ticker Number = ",OrderTicket());
            Print("Order Lots Open = ", OrderLots());
           Print("Order Select returned the error of ", GetLastError()); // Order Select does not seem to want to work?
           double FirstTarget_Buy = OrderOpenPrice() + ( ( OrderTakeProfit()-OrderOpenPrice() ) / 2 );
           Print("FirstTarget_Buy: ", DoubleToStr( FirstTarget_Buy, Digits ));
               Print("Current Bid: ", DoubleToStr(Bid, Digits), " FirstTarget_Buy: ", DoubleToStr(FirstTarget_Buy, Digits)  );
                if(OrderType()==OP_BUY && Bid >= FirstTarget_Buy +(Point / 2))
                  Print("Bid >= FirstTarget_Buy - Current Bid: ", DoubleToStr(Bid, Digits), " FirstTarget_Buy: ", DoubleToStr(FirstTarget_Buy, Digits)  );
                  bool Close_Half_Order_Buy = OrderClose(OrderTicket(),half,Bid,3,CLR_NONE);
                  if(Close_Half_Order_Buy!=TRUE)Print("Close_Half_Order_Buy Last Error = ", GetLastError());

I know it's a little scruffy! I have been playing around with it loads - so quickly put it back to where we were talking from? I assume you meant this whole part, right?
   if (direction==0){ //--Buy--//
      double bsl=buy_stop_price;
      double btp=buy_takeprofit_price;
      LotSize = (RiskedAmount/(pips_to_bsl/pips))/10;
         int BuyTicketOrder = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUYSTOP,LotSize,buyPrice,3,bsl,btp,NULL,MagicNumber,0,Green); // This puts out the initial order.
         if(OrderStopLoss()<iMA(NULL,0,MA_Period,0,1,0,0)-MA_PadAmount*pips){// This triggers the For loop if the pending order needs adjusting relative to where the MA is.
               for(int b=OrdersTotal()-1; b >=0; b--) 
                     Print(" Stop loss value for the order is ", OrderStopLoss());
                     else if(OrderSelect(b,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)==false){
                     Print(" OrderSelect failed error code is ",GetLastError());
                                 DeleteOrder = OrderDelete(OrderTicket());
                                    if(DeleteOrder!=TRUE)Print("DeleteOrder Last Error = ", GetLastError());
                                  NewBuyOrder = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUYSTOP,LotSize,buyPrice,3,bsl,btp,NULL,MagicNumber,0,Green); // New Pending order with calibrated stops, lots and targets.
                                   if(NewBuyOrder!=TRUE)Print("New Buy Order Last Error = ", GetLastError());  // This is giving me an "Error 0", despite the trade ACTUALLY being placed correctly...?   

               if(NewBuyOrder == true){
               Print("New Buy Order Placed #", NewBuyOrder);
               Print("New Buy Order Send Failed, error # ", GetLastError());   
This is the Buy section - just spits out a "OP_BUYSTOP"
I know it's a little scruffy! I have been playing around with it loads - so quickly put it back to where we were talking from? I assume you meant this whole part, right?

Erm . . . you need to take a step back, take a deep breath and read your code carefully, function by function, line by line . . . ask yourself "what am I trying to do here ?" and then check if your code is going to do that . . . for example:

  if(OrderSelect(OrdersTotal(), SELECT_BY_TICKET,   MODE_TRADES)==true && OpenOrdersThisPair(Symbol())==1 && OrderType()==OP_BUY)

         { // Even though I am calling "OP_BUY" here, it doesn't seem to work?

This if test executes a comment if it is true ? ? ? ? ? ignoring that for a moment . . . how is OrdersTotal() a ticket number ? SELECT_BY_TICKET it's not even a valid Position if you used SELECT_BY_POS

I don't think this code is what is giving you your problem . . . even though it has some issues.


Yea - good spot, although that doesn't make any material difference to be honest.



Yea - good spot, although that doesn't make any material difference to be honest.


No it doesn't . . .


I don't think this code is what is giving you your problem . . . even though it has some issues.

I don't think you are showing the code that is creating the issue . . .

This is the Buy section - just spits out a "OP_BUYSTOP"

This . . .

   NewBuyOrder = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUYSTOP,LotSize,buyPrice,3,bsl,btp,NULL,MagicNumber,0,Green); // New Pending order with calibrated stops, lots and targets.

if(NewBuyOrder!=TRUE)Print("New Buy Order Last Error = ", GetLastError());  // This is giving me an "Error 0", despite the trade ACTUALLY being placed correctly...? 

. . . is a {} braces issue . . .

   NewBuyOrder = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUYSTOP,LotSize,buyPrice,3,bsl,btp,NULL,MagicNumber,0,Green); // New Pending order with calibrated stops, lots and targets.

   if(NewBuyOrder != TRUE)Print("New Buy Order Last Error = ", GetLastError());  // This is giving me an "Error 0", despite the trade ACTUALLY being placed correctly...? 

sort your indenting and you will "see" these issues quickly.

Yea, again good shout, I've gone through and sorted out a few of the indenting issues... still stuck with the same issues though? What other code are you insinuating it could be? I couldn't imagine it being from any other part of my coding...?
if(OrderSelect(OrdersTotal(),SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)==true && OpenOrdersThisPair(Symbol())==1) // If I put "OrderType() == OP_BUY" it won't work at all. This means that it could just grab a pending order - which is wrong.
         double minLot  = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT);
                Print("The minimum lots are: ", DoubleToStr( minLot, Digits ));
         double lotStep = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP);
                Print("The Lotstep is: ", DoubleToStr( lotStep, Digits ));
         double half    = MathCeil(OrderLots()/2/lotStep)*lotStep;
                Print("The Lots to close is: ", DoubleToStr( half, Digits ));
    for( int c=OrdersTotal()-1; c >=0; c-- )
            Print("Order Ticker Number = ",OrderTicket());
            Print("Order Lots Open = ", OrderLots());
           Print("Order Select returned the error of ", GetLastError()); 

           double FirstTarget_Buy = OrderOpenPrice() + ( ( OrderTakeProfit()-OrderOpenPrice() ) / 2 );
           Print("FirstTarget_Buy: ", DoubleToStr( FirstTarget_Buy, Digits ));
               Print("Current Bid: ", DoubleToStr(Bid, Digits), " FirstTarget_Buy: ", DoubleToStr(FirstTarget_Buy, Digits)  );
                if(OrderType()==OP_BUY && Bid >= FirstTarget_Buy +(Point / 2)) // Does not go further than this. I do not get an error from OrderClose?
                  Print("Bid >= FirstTarget_Buy - Current Bid: ", DoubleToStr(Bid, Digits), " FirstTarget_Buy: ", DoubleToStr(FirstTarget_Buy, Digits)  );
                  bool Close_Half_Order_Buy = OrderClose(OrderTicket(),half,Bid,3,CLR_NONE);
                  if(Close_Half_Order_Buy!=TRUE)Print("Close_Half_Order_Buy Last Error = ", GetLastError());
I'm stuck - I have tried shifting and changing a lot and now It must be a case of missing something I don't know exists... has to be? OrderType()==OP_BUY does not seem to work? See notes in code above - I have checked indenting... This is epic! haha...
Yea, again good shout, I've gone through and sorted out a few of the indenting issues... still stuck with the same issues though? What other code are you insinuating it could be? I couldn't imagine it being from any other part of my coding...?
LOL, I don't know, I haven't seen it all . . . but something is stopping the code that does the printing from running when you have an OP_BUY
2013.08.02 10:52:47	2013.02.01 15:00  trendfishing_play_ground EURUSD,H1: NEW BUY ORDER:-  Lots to open: 0.18215 Entry Price: 1.36790 Buy Stop Loss: 1.35649 Buy Take Profit: 1.39072 Magic Number is: 1234.00000

This is printing in the Journal during my for loop, where by, in the case of a pending Buy Stop Order, if the 60 EMA is > than the OrderStopLoss, it will close the pending order, open a new one with new SL (which is behind the 60EMA), adjust the take profit to entertain the 1:2 reward, and change the lots relative to the stop in points and my risk profile (say 2%).

So when this is all being done, the "Current Lots" which is "LotSize" custom variable within OrderSend works, it is sending off a lot size that is not correct for the server to receive? "0.18215"? Could this be an issue, despite the orders actually being sent through anyway - this question is more in connection to "could this be the reason why I cannot call "OrderType==OP_BUY"?

This is a longggggg process lol...