Could Someone Become Rich By Forex Trading? - Lets Discuss - page 4


If a free signal is changed to a paid one, the subscribers will be charged the fee immediately?  

No, the current subscribers get to ride out the month if that is your term, then they pay or drop at the end of the month.

but changing to a paid one can lose all subscribers. which are using my singal for free basis?

Not if it is pofitable, they will probably pay a reasonable fee, as long as they are still making profit. Your competition is a consideration as well, when pricing.
Not if it is pofitable, they will probably pay a reasonable fee, as long as they are still making profit. Your competition is a consideration as well, when pricing.
but if its chargeable after giving it for free, subscribers will move to new free and good signal. they won't pay its my personal opnion

Could Someone Become Rich By Forex Trading?

is it possible to be Rich by trading forex markets?  

Trading is easy compared to other disciplines. Perhaps for this reason this business is run by a few. The problem is your broker.

According to my limited experience as a retail investor operating with small accounts, your chances of being rich are zero. When your broker realizes that you are able to make money with this, your account will start to experience weird poltergeists. Remember that you are accepting all risks.


Trading is easy compared to other disciplines. Perhaps for this reason this business is run by a few. The problem is your broker.

According to my limited experience as a retail investor operating with small accounts, your chances of being rich are zero. When your broker realizes that you are able to make money with this, your account will start to experience weird poltergeists. Remember that you are accepting all risks.

But this is supposed to be solved by ECN, isn’t it? 


But this is supposed to be solved by ECN, isn’t it? 

I don't know, i think this is a metaphysical question, pure marketing. There is often a fine print in financial derivatives contracts explaining what is meant by "ECN". I think micro lots (this is what I could only operate right now, for example) are never placed in the market! This is supposed to be solved by retail investors as they demand their rights, realizing it's unfair that they must accept ALL risks.

Why do you expect your broker to place your micro-operations in the real market?


The spreads is about as far as my broker conspiracy goes. Brokers make money by charging a spread, when most people lose, the largest share of their money goes towards bigger fatter organizations which themselves cannot move the markets and care little about speculating. This includes multi-billion dollar companies who must conduct their day-to-day business with currencies and governments.

As far as this topic, I think op needs to just throw a dollar amount out there in terms of what he means by rich. Then we can all look online to see if its ever been done in foreign exchange.

I wonder if brokers are so evil and trading with no profits then why are we still in this forum? 

The spreads is about as far as my broker conspiracy goes. Brokers make money by charging a spread, when most people lose, the largest share of their money goes towards bigger fatter organizations which themselves cannot move the markets and care little about speculating. This includes multi-billion dollar companies who must conduct their day-to-day business with currencies and governments.

As far as this topic, I think op needs to just throw a dollar amount out there in terms of what he means by rich. Then we can all look online to see if its ever been done in foreign exchange.

I don't understand why it matters what someone else may or may not have done ?  isn't what matters is what each of us can do ? for example,  I'd be very happy for you to be rich but it isn't my number one concern right now 
RaptorUK: I don't understand why it matters what someone else may or may not have done ?  isn't what matters is what each of us can do ? for example,  I'd be very happy for you to be rich but it isn't my number one concern right now 
True that !! Very wise indeed