Money/Units report between account and signal


I have a deposit in my account of 100$ and following a signal of 5000$ - use 40% from my balance for the signal. Both I and signal have leverage of 1:500.

In case the signal buys 1 unit in the MetaTrader platform, what would be the correspondence on my account? Is there a way I can calculate this in order to ajust the allowed percentage to follow the signal?

Yes me too want to know.. if my signal provider buy 1 mega lot so what will be the lot size in my account?

I have a deposit in my account of 100$ and following a signal of 5000$ - use 40% from my balance for the signal. Both I and signal have leverage of 1:500.

In case the signal buys 1 unit in the MetaTrader platform, what would be the correspondence on my account? Is there a way I can calculate this in order to ajust the allowed percentage to follow the signal?

Please read the Frequently Asked Questions about the Signals service before posting.

With such balance, anyway, the ratio of volume will always be 1%.


Indeed I have read the specifications and understood the case. Still can I have the formula in order to easy correlate the output? 


Indeed I have read the specifications and understood the case. Still can I have the formula in order to easy correlate the output? 

Seems you don't read closely enough :

What rounding scheme is used for Provider's and Subscriber's percentage ratio of deals volume?

The following step-by-step algorithm is used for percentage rounding:

  1. If the value is less than 1%, it is rounded up to 1%, i.e. assumed to be 1%. Example: 0.25% => 1%
  2. If the value is greater than 1% and less than 10%, it is rounded down to the nearest whole number. Example: 6.25% => 6%
  3. If the value is more than 10% and less than 100%, it is rounded down with step of 5%. Example: 29.7% => 25%
  4. If the value is more than 100% and less than 1000%, it is rounded down with step of 10%. Example: 129.6% => 120%

You can see an example of calculations in the General information on Trading Signals for MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 article.
So you have only to follow the link.

Indeed the calculation is pretty clear now. My mistake for not following the link within the first post in order to get to it.

Do you know if is there any implementation for a calculator having the ability to apply that formula in order to know how to size your account? If not, how/where could I start to program such feature?