Trade X Hours after last trade


hi !

 I try to search a solution for allowed or not allowed a trade ( Buy or sell ) based on the last order time closed, look like that : OrderCloseTime() + Hours for allow the news trade

Help me please :(. ( Sorry for my poor english :s ) 

I try that but it's not work :

extern int Hours=3;
static  datetime    TimeAllowed;
int newCount = HistoryTotal();  static  int prevCount;
if (newCount != prevCount){                 prevCount = newCount;
    datetime LastClose;
    datetime LastOpen;
    for(int pos=newCount-1; pos >= 0; pos--) if (
        OrderSelect(pos, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY)   // Only orders 
    &&  OrderOpenTime()     > LastOpen
    &&  OrderCloseTime()    > LastClose                 
    &&  OrderMagicNumber()  == MagicNumber             
    &&  OrderSymbol()       == Symbol()                 // and my pair.
    &&  OrderType()         == OrderType()){    // ??
        LastClose = OrderCloseTime();
    datetime LastCloseHours = LastClose + Hours * 3600;
    TimeAllowed = LastCloseHours;
my ea code
if (TimeCurrent() >= TimeAllowed )
//order send buy
//order send sell 

hi !

 I try to search a solution for allowed or not allowed a trade ( Buy or sell ) based on the last order time closed, look like that : OrderCloseTime() + Hours for allow the news trade

Help me please :(. ( Sorry for my poor english :s ) 

I try that but it's not work :

So why are you checking the OrderOpenTime() ? you didn't mention anything about that ?  and what are you doing with OrderType() ?  it will always == OrderType()  !

Yes i now it useless, but i tryed everything ... Without success :/ 

 I have strictly no idea who allowed a trade 3 hours after the last order close,  and not before. 

 If you can help me, your welcome :).  

Gui205: I have strictly no idea who allowed a trade 3 hours after the last order close,  and not before.
"Who allowed?" Your code did. Drop the orderType and openTime. Add Print statement before the test and find out why.
Print("Now="+TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)
   +" ok="+TimeToStr(TimeAllowed, TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)
   +" T"+(TimeCurrent() - TimeAllowed)
if (TimeCurrent() >= TimeAllowed )

Yes i now it useless, but i tryed everything ... Without success :/ 

 I have strictly no idea who allowed a trade 3 hours after the last order close,  and not before. 

 If you can help me, your welcome :).  

You didn't try everything,  you didn't try the correct solution . . .  did you try reading the Documentation ?  did you try to understand the code you borrowed from somewhere else ?  why are you checking the OrderOpenTime()  ?  if you want help perhaps you could answer a few simple questions first ?

Yes i read the documentation, i check the OrderOpenTime() because on this forum a guy have a similar problem ( just one trade on 24h ) and he use if(TimeCurrent()> OrderOpenTime + 86000 && TimeCurrent() + OrderCloseTime()+2*3600) 

I try to wrote a similar code by taking his code.

if(TimeCurrent >= OrderCloseTime() + Hours*3600){

//Buy & Sell


I try that but not working ... Have you got a good documentation RaptorUK ? Or the correct solution ?


Thank for help guy  

Gui205: Or the correct solution ?
I already gave you the solution why didn't you try it?
bool AllowOpen(int _iHour){

   int liLastClose = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < OrdersHistoryTotal(); i++){
      if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY) == false) continue;
      liLastClose = MathMax(liLastClose, OrderCloseTime());

   if (liLastClose+_iHour*3600 > TimeCurrent()){
untested, hth

@WHRoeder i tryed print, but he print nothing :/. 


Thank @Russell but MTEditor doesnt want compil your code, can you explain to me that you wanted to do please ? 


It compiles in my editor. You should be able to call the function like this.

int start(){

   //manage open positions here

   if (!AllowOpen(3)) return(0);

   // open your trade here

the function just finds the youngest closed record in your history. It could be written somewhat more efficiently, but first make it work, then make it faster.
bool AllowOpen(int _iHour)  <==== - function definition unexpected

'liLastClose' - variable not defined

'_iHour' - variable not defined