Export price data


Amazingly, I can't find easy free historical price data so I'm going to write a script to export to csv for us in excel.

Just before I start I wanted to check that I'm not missing an easier way to do this...?

Also, is there an easy mql way to make it load up all historical bars, or would I have to scroll manually to the left until it stopped loading older bars?


Amazingly, I can't find easy free historical price data so I'm going to write a script to export to csv for us in excel.

Just before I start I wanted to check that I'm not missing an easier way to do this...?

Also, is there an easy mql way to make it load up all historical bars, or would I have to scroll manually to the left until it stopped loading older bars?

There are sources of free historical data,  learn to use Google better and search this site . . .  it has been discussed many times.  

If you try to access data that is available from your Broker but hasn't been downloaded yet it will be retrieved,   you can use any of the timeseries functions and they should trigger the download,  before checking further back check for error 4066 to confirm the data has been downloaded,  there is not point going further back if the date you are checking isn't available . . .  although bear in mind there may be some gaps and make sure you are not checking for data at weekend dates.