TickValue with DDE in Excel


Dear Community,

is it somehow possible to transfer the tick value (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKVALUE)) from MetaTrader to Excel via DDE?

Thank you very much!


Not directly but you can calculate it with the possible DDE figures. Currencies fit in 4 categories.. I'll assume your deposit currency is USD but you can swap for another. It's also assuming 1 tick = 1 point, which seems to be normally true for currencies. Generally one point = 1 unit in the quote currency, so it's just a matter of converting to your deposit currency.

 1: xxxUSD ----> tick value = 1

 2: USDxxx ---->  tick value = 1 / ask price


cross currencies: 

 3: xxxAAA, where AAA is paired with USD like this: USDAAA ----> tick value =  1 / USDAAA's ask price

 4: xxxAAA, where AAA is paired with USD like this: AAAUSD ----> tick value = AAAUSD's bid price


You don't get many possible figures from DDE but you can do a lot with them, here's a screenshot of my spreadsheet