Line in Pixel instead of its original value


Dear All,

I was wondering, has anyone tried to code an indicator in the subwindow displaying its value in pixel

and 2 vertical line place on the same subwindow on a certain pixel point.

e.g. If I used a CCI...

Could you please direct me to the tread or a sample would be most helpful, because I have no idea how to do that.





You start by talking in complete English sentences.

"Displaying its value in pixel" is incomplete, makes no sense. You can display a value in TEXT, or indicate it's relative value in a line but not in a dot.

"2 vertical line" "on a certain pixel point" would not be a line it would be a point or it would be one line

"e.g. If I used a CCI..." That is not an example of anything, CCI is a value. 

"I have no idea how to do that" Do what?

There are no mind-readers here.

You probably just want to put values in a line that moves with the main chart. Nothing to do with pixels.


Dear All,

I was wondering, has anyone tried to code an indicator in the subwindow displaying its value in pixel

Line Objects and Indicator buffers use price not pixels . . .  Label Objects use pixels.
Line Objects and Indicator buffers use price not pixels . . .  Label Objects use pixels.

Thanks again Raptor,

In that case would it be possible to code an object e.g. a dot that follows (attached to) the up and down of the current line which uses price/values.


Thanks again Raptor,

In that case would it be possible to code an object e.g. a dot that follows (attached to) the up and down of the current line which uses price/values.

You can place certain "Arrow" Objects that line up with price accurately . . .  for example,  En Dash symbol (–). anything else will be off a little . . . 
You can place certain "Arrow" Objects that line up with price accurately . . .  for example,  En Dash symbol (–). anything else will be off a little . . . 

Thank you very2 much..... kind Sir