Chart Shift function


Hello Mql-team,


since your last update, the chart shift function is off, if you make a picture.

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Hello Mql-team,


since your last update, the chart shift function is off, if you make a picture.

Not on my Terminal Build 500 . . .  please describe the exact steps of what you are doing so I can reproduce this issue.
Not on my Terminal Build 500 . . .  please describe the exact steps of what you are doing so I can reproduce this issue.

Hello Raptor my Terminal build 482.

At first you see the Chart Shift function is on:

Second : you the original screen picture, that is what i want in the gif.

Third: That is what i get.

You see the difference: The name is not at the same place. The chart ist not at the same place. Thats bad.:(

Please correct this mistake.

I want the screen picture in the gif.

Kind Regards



Hello Raptor my Terminal build 482.

At first you see the Chart Shift function is on:

Second : you the original screen picture, that is what i want in the gif.

Third: That is what i get.

You see the difference: The name is not at the same place. The chart ist not at the same place. Thats bad.:(

Please correct this mistake.

I want the screen picture in the gif.

I reported this issue with Build 482 to the Service Desk and they fixed it in Build 500 . . .