Two values in one double at the same time

I have a double value I output it to an alert I see the value it is correct, i also output this same double as a GlobleVariable I get the old value that it was set at both amount appear on the alert at same time when output from the same double, this one has got me, still working to figue this out, please help
I have a double value I output it to an alert I see the value it is correct, i also output this same double as a GlobleVariable I get the old value that it was set at both amount appear on the alert at same time when output from the same double, this one has got me, still working to figue this out, please help
I don't understand what you mean . . please show code,  and/or output to the log file, and/or screeenshots . . .  to help explain what you mean.
I don't understand what you mean . . please show code,  and/or output to the log file, and/or screeenshots . . .  to help explain what you mean.

  1. Play video
    Please edit your post.
    For large amounts of code, attach it.

  2. if(ObjectFind("Test") == -1){ 
      ObjectCreate("Test",1,WindowPlace,0,0);    // OBJ_HLINE == 1
      ObjectSet("Test",OBJPROP_PRICE1,Place1);   //Place1 value is 50
      double TestLine = ObjectGet("Test",1);     // OBJPROP_PRICE1 == 1
      Alert(TestLine); // I get value 65 on alert output (was set at 50)
      double GVtest=GlobalVariableSet("Gtest",TestLine);
      double Gettest=GlobalVariableGet("Gtest");
      Alert(Gettest); // This value is 50 and not 65 ( on a fresh GlobalVariable )
    Don't hard code constants, use the enumerations. Why don't you print out GetLastError() like the documentation suggests?
  3. Installed in \program files* on Vista/Win7?