FXTM (forex time) redirectign to their site on mt4 demo account signup? - page 2

This redirection is working only for MetaQuotes version of client terminal.

What's that ? Metaquotes redirect to a broker ? Or maybe I misunderstood.
I can confirm with screenshots that they do 100% redirect to forex time unless forex time have some sort of spyware to steal clients from other brokers because its happened with mt4 downloaded from multiple brokers. Weird thing is that forex time know nothing about this when I spoke to them, nor do the brokers I originally got the mt4 from. Furthermore it only seems to happen on my computer and not in my laptop which is what leads me to think it may be adware but maybe I am wrong. Bobbies solution worked for me.
I can confirm with screenshots that they do 100% redirect to forex time unless forex time have some sort of spyware to steal clients from other brokers because its happened with mt4 downloaded from multiple brokers. Weird thing is that forex time know nothing about this when I spoke to them, nor do the brokers I originally got the mt4 from. Furthermore it only seems to happen on my computer and not in my laptop which is what leads me to think it may be adware but maybe I am wrong. Bobbies solution worked for me.

It may depend on the age of the broker's MT4 installer and the terminal.lic file:

1. Download and install Alpari MT4 from https://alpari.com/files/site_uk/000software/MT4_set_up.exe

2. Create the following Registry values under HKCU\Software\MetaQuotes Software. All of them are string (REG_SZ values), even the numeric time value:




And then try to create demo accounts in the Alpari MT4. On my computer it opens Google in a web browser. I've tried this on a clean machine which has never had MT4 on it before.

It's a bug in MT4. The MetaQuotes version of MT4 is hijacking demo accounts in other installations of MT4 under some circumstances.


I have the same problem. My Broker is Alpari, so the problem is not only with FinFx.

Please let me know if you find a solution. We should complain with Forex Peace Army. 


I have the same problem. My Broker is Alpari, so the problem is not only with FinFx.

Please let me know if you find a solution. We should complain with Forex Peace Army. 

Metaquotes reported that this bug was in early 500 builds and was fixed last Friday

to remove consequences, please do following:

1) download latest MT4 terminal from MQ - https://download.mql5.com/cdn/web/metaquotes.software.corp/mt4/mt4setup.exe

2) run mt4setup /clean to reinstall terminal


this was suggested on same Russian topic


Metaquotes reported that this bug was in early 500 builds and was fixed last Friday

to remove consequences, please do following:

1) download latest MT4 terminal from MQ - https://download.mql5.com/cdn/web/metaquotes.software.corp/mt4/mt4setup.exe

2) run mt4setup /clean to reinstall terminal

Will this erase EAs, Indicators, Scripts and history data ?
Will this erase EAs, Indicators, Scripts and history data ?

no, MQ told me that installer never delete user's data.

no, MQ told me that installer never delete user's data.
It has happened in the past . . . you should advise people to backup first . . .

Sure backups never made situation worse.

tamaulipas and bobbiewarne, can you confirm - did it help to resolve your problem ?


Sure backups never made situation worse.

tamaulipas and bobbiewarne, can you confirm - did it help to resolve your problem ?

I just edit the Registry. No need to reinstall all MT4, do /clean usw.

(Alpari CTO very calm that Alpari client data - contents of MT4 registration form - have been sent many times to forextime!)