Looking for a partner to help code a trading sytem - page 2


  To back test would I not have to have an EA to begin with... 

No,  you can back test manually on static charts if you have the discipline. 

     I did not ask anyone to back test, demo test,(which does not take time anyway, as it is run automatically on a demo account) or penny test.  I will manually test for a programmer, do you have something that needs tested?  I am permanently disabled, I can manually test for you up to 16 hours a day, what do you have?  By testing for you, I get to learn for free, you don't think that is a good deal for me?

     "Someone is not programming for me", does not the programmer get the end result EA for free?  What did it cost but his/her time?  Should a programmer get a free income for life, for a few days/weeks of work?  Free lottery tickets for programmers, and yet you complain...

      The problem here is you are so use to getting crap requests that you assume all requests are crap.  So you put yourself in a box that demands years of back testing, to even get your interest, YET back testing is flawed because of the reasons already mentioned,(spreads, news, burst buying/selling) let alone the fact that this is a system that uses median renko bricks(have you ever tried to back test renko bricks?)

     The bottom line is simple, you have to find the needle in the haystack, you can keep trying to find it or quit.  It's there, how much time are you willing to spend to find it?  I honestly feel your pain, I have spent close to 500 hours staring at live charts, trading for pennies, to find something that works.  I think I have found something, so I will pursue that until its end result, be it here, Forex TSD, Forex factory, FX Fisherman, Worldwide-Invest, etc...  The Forex market, like any other,(stocks, futures, oil, gold etc...) is a simple game that has a complex learning curve.

     I thrive in an environment where second place is simply the last place to lose, you can go with me or go elsewhere, however I will still be moving forward.  It is a simple exchange of information, you code, I strategize, the only cost to either of us is time.(besides my money, be it pennies at the moment)  If it was easy, Obama would have given it to all the welfare people by now...  So are you with me, or do you want to chat on an online forum?  If you do not want anything to do with it, then give someone else a chance, like I said, I will give it a week and if no one is interested I will move on, no harm, no foul.  :) 


 it is just extremely difficult to trade this “as is” manually, because none of the indicators do exactly what I need them to do. Some do too much, which add info/variables I don't need. Some are horribly programmed, which have loops that lock up the cpu,(I have a quad core proc and mt4 won't use more then one of them at a time) and some do not do enough.

 I pass.....   good luck



     I did not ask anyone to back test, demo test,(which does not take time anyway, as it is run automatically on a demo account) or penny test.  I will manually test for a programmer, do you have something that needs tested?  I am permanently disabled, I can manually test for you up to 16 hours a day, what do you have?  By testing for you, I get to learn for free, you don't think that is a good deal for me?

     "Someone is not programming for me", does not the programmer get the end result EA for free?  What did it cost but his/her time?  Should a programmer get a free income for life, for a few days/weeks of work?  Free lottery tickets for programmers, and yet you complain... 

Show your evidence that what you are offering is worth the time of the programmer.  Perhaps you will offer to underwrite the coders time if your Strategy,  once tested properly, does not turn out to be all you imagined it would ?

  O.K.  We can do that, however if it is everything I think it is,(since I am already using it, it is not imagined) you would agree to pay me 66% of everything you make off the EA, since all you did was code it, it was my actual design correct?  Since you have "UK" in your name I am assuming that is where you live, which means you have access to an attorney, we could have something drawn up.  Will need a $ figure on how much you feel your time is worth, hopefully it is a competitive figure, you are looking at changes to four indicators, creation of two custom indicators, and the creation of one EA.  


   So it would go something like this

   If the end result EA is not profitable, I would agree to pay you based on the time that you actually spent programming it.  I would need quotes on each indicator and the EA.  

   If the end result EA is profitable, you would agree that it is exclusive,(no posting it on forums, no selling it, trading it, etc...) and to pay me 66% of your net profit for a period of 10 years,(done off the basis of your tax returns for capitol gains only of course) after that you would be free and clear.


  Bear in mind that the indicators would have to meet my standards,(I don't know your amount of experience or background) and I would have to check with an attorney for costs,(and if it can be legally binding) as we are in two separate countries, assuming you are in the U.K.

  Looking around, just briefly, it looks like freelance programmers are going for between $10-$20 an hour, is this a fair figure or should I search a little more?  Your looking at 20 to 40 hours of work on your end(depending on the EA, the changes and the two custom indicators are extremely easy) so between $200 and $800 possible cost on my end?  If you feel it would take more time let me know and I will post the indicators here and tell you the changes that need done, so you have a better understanding of the simplicity of the project, the time consumer will be the EA as it will need to manage multiple trades with floating SL's an TP's.(remember I still do not know the extent of what is, and what is not possible in mt4)

  If you wish, I will post the 4 indicators, with the changes that are required, to give you an idea on how much time it will take.  This way you can quote me a $ figure, which if agreed upon would be put in an escrow account.  This is of course, assuming that no one else will be interested in the next 6 days.  I was under the assumption that everything would be done here on the forum so that it could benefit all of your readers, however if there is going to be money involved, then it would be best done in private.  Let me know...  


@Mongoose: Your strategy is crap. Your approach is crap. Go-to another website. We help people learn to code here. We are not a coding sweat-shop. We didn't come to you...you're the one begging us. We can code and test our own trading ideas just fine... Can you?


  So you are above the forums rules because the moderator is a friend?

 Any posts which may offend other visitors of the MQL4.com are forbidden. These messages will be deleted. 

  No one asked you to post here, no one begged you to do anything.  If you cannot constructively add to a thread why are you here?  Move along and go troll another thread, you are obviously a disgruntled money loser and want to blame someone else for your own problems.  I will screenshot this and send it to support, if you are the type of people that are on this forum then you are correct, I am in the wrong place...


Mongoose: ... The problem here is you are so use to getting crap requests that you assume all requests are crap.  So you put yourself in a box that demands years of back testing, to even get your interest, YET back testing is flawed because of the reasons already mentioned,(spreads, news, burst buying/selling) let alone the fact that this is a system that uses median renko bricks(have you ever tried to back test renko bricks?)... 

So you are above the forums rules because the moderator is a friend? Any posts which may offend other visitors of the MQL4.com are forbidden. These messages will be deleted. No one asked you to post here, no one begged you to do anything. If you cannot constructively add to a thread why are you here? Move along and go troll another thread, you are obviously a disgruntled money loser and want to blame someone else for your own problems. I will screenshot this and send it to support, if you are the type of people that are on this forum then you are correct, I am in the wrong place... 

You used the word "crap" and I used the word "crap". Why are you offended? Frankly, I find your entire post offensive and perhaps it should be deleted. You posted on a public forum and I responded. I learned to program and contribute to the forum. You're trying to take advantage of coders. Yes, you are in the wrong place!!


  So you are above the forums rules because the moderator is a friend?

 Any posts which may offend other visitors of the MQL4.com are forbidden. These messages will be deleted. 

  No one asked you to post here, no one begged you to do anything.  If you cannot constructively add to a thread why are you here?  Move along and go troll another thread, you are obviously a disgruntled money loser and want to blame someone else for your own problems.  I will screenshot this and send it to support, if you are the type of people that are on this forum then you are correct, I am in the wrong place...

We see come and go people like you, no idea how to code thinking and saying the system they trade is good

your system is manually difficult to use so if you don't proof  what you say then for me and others it looks not more as crap you offering

if you can't define how you have to trade it then how do you expect we will spend time for free to code it... 

At Jobs you might find people who want to code this for little for several reasons maybe asking there will getting

this faster you wanna have done. But don't forget your wife asking permission to do it ....   because you might spend some money


  This is my last post as I can see, this website is not what I thought it was.  Ubzen I was offended because you said my system was crap yet YOU NEVER knew anything about my system, which means your comment was retarded.  I did not think this was a coding sweatshop I offered money to Raptor when he hinted at asking for it.  I begged no one, is this not a lie?  You do nothing to add to the thread you just run your mouth about things you know nothing about, like a 2 year old that lost their lollipop.  That is why I was offended, I thought this was a mature website that was about mt4 coding, indicators and ea's. 


 and then devries runs his mouth as well, I can barely make out what he is trying to say, and he lies as well...

     I did NOT say it was good I said it was profitable... 

     if I don't proof?  You mean you want me to show you proof?  I can do that, I can post every trade here so you can see them in real time, but instead of asking this, you assume its crap.

     I can define how to trade it...  How do you think I am trading it now?  Is it not common sense that if I am trading it now I can explain how to trade it?

     I did not expect anyone to code anything for free, it was to be a partnership, which means both parties profit, and I OFFERED MONEY in case he did not profit.

     I will check out the jobs section, I did see some coders that work extremely cheap, I was here to try to add something decent to the community.

     If I am going to spend $5000 - $10,000 yes I am going to ask the wife, you obviously either are not married, or live in a country where women are not treated as equals.

     Like I said this is my last post, what I thought was a website dedicated to mt4, seems to be a place of a bunch of foreigners that, even if you offer them money to help, they still bitch and moan like an old nag.


     Next time someone comes along with, what they think is a profitable system, why not check it out before acting like children and trolling the thread?  It is sad to know that when I get up to trade on the London open tomorrow, you guys will still be here trolling to grief someone else off the forum.  Also check out the jobs section, maybe you can work for me for $10 or $20, because it seems that is about as much as you are worth with those attitudes...  Have a good day, or try anyway...


P.S.  If a mod sees this thread, have it deleted, it is an embarrassment to your website to have people like this that add nothing at all to a thread but simply troll it for someone else's grief.  I will keep screenshots though, as an example of people that should have been permabanned quite awhile ago.