Problem to install MT4 under W7

Hi Guys I have new PC with Window 7 Starter.... Good. Then I tried to download MT4 plateform from Alpari UK (as I had before) Got a an account number with password. All stuff downlaoded... but when I introduce Account and Pass word I have : Invalid Account Well... It's hapend... then I tried to open a new account... Impossible : in the middle of the process of fullfill my data : PC freeze and I have a message : MT4 stop working.. And Out... I tried to modify all the access even declare the "MT4 Terminal will be openned under comptability program" Impossibel.. I am stuck and if somebody have the solution... Hasta luego B. (ps XP was perfect... Is it progress ?!?!?)

1st> dont install within c:\program_files*.


1st> dont install within c:\program_files*.

Thanks ubzen but where have I to install MT4 ?????? (Terminal and all stuff)
Thanks ubzen but where have I to install MT4 ?????? (Terminal and all stuff)
Create a folder in the root of your hard drive,  called  MT4Installs,  so  C:\MT4Installs\
Create a folder in the root of your hard drive,  called  MT4Installs,  so  C:\MT4Installs\
Thanks, test that and come back. Suppose I have to wipe the actual issue of MT4 I have in the programe files folders ?
Thanks, test that and come back. Suppose I have to wipe the actual issue of MT4 I have in the programe files folders ?

Nope ! Not working even your expertise RaptorUK.

Each time I have this message :  (My OS is spanish !)

Firma con problemas:

  Nombre del evento de problema: BEX

  Nombre de la aplicación: terminal.exe

  Versión de la aplicación:

  Marca de tiempo de la aplicación: 0046d200

  Nombre del módulo con errores: terminal.exe

  Versión del módulo con errores:

  Marca de tiempo del módulo con errores: 0046d200

  Desplazamiento de excepción: 001fb14d

  Código de excepción: c0000417

  Datos de excepción: 00000000

  Versión del sistema operativo: 6.1.7601.

  Id. de configuración regional: 8202

  Información adicional 1: 8b4d

  Información adicional 2: 8b4d5d16356460cd4f2e1cac39dedf5c

  Información adicional 3: 6531

  Información adicional 4: 65311acfe4ec58d977017d8fe39a85a1

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