a problem about function -- "ordersend()" - page 2


You have to enter a Different every time.


how does the "help" window come out.

when I execute the above code. nothing come out


Helping is the name i called the script. The one i wrote is.

#property show_inputs
extern string My_Name;
void start(){
  Alert("my name is :",My_Name);
When you compile and drag the script to a chart the Inputs window should pop-up automatically. If its not already on the Input's tab then click it.

Helping is the name i called the script. The one i wrote is.

When you compile and drag the script to a chart the Inputs window should pop-up automatically. If its not already on the Input's tab then click it.



 I just get this window as below:

 what is the problem?

I never have the chance to input anything. 


Its a Script not an Expert. Place it within the Scripts Folder.

Read the Book and get-up-to-speed and save us some time. Please.

got it thanks.

Did you place it within the Script Folder?

Make sure your settings are as follows.


Did you place it within the Script Folder?

Make sure your settings are as follows.




Ok , thanks.

but i also want to know whether i can create an EA which can call this script? 


Did you place it within the Script Folder?

Make sure your settings are as follows.


Yes, I have do as you said.I think it is ok now.


Ok , thanks.

but i also want to know whether i can create an EA which can call this script? 

That code is too complicated for you at this time. The answer is Yes and involves something called PostMessage or KeyBoard_Event. Here's 9_Pages for your reading.
That code is too complicated for you at this time. The answer is Yes and involves something called PostMessage or KeyBoard_Mapping. Here's 9_Pages for your reading.


Thank you very much. 


Yes, I have do as you said. but I find it is almost the same when I copy these code to script from EA; however i find that i can press F7 to get the "help" window to assign value to "My_Name". I think it is ok now.

F7 only works on Experts. Scripts do-not wait around that long to be called by F7. Maybe there's something with your settings and someone else might ketch it. Otherwise, you're still running the Expert. Remove the expert or smiley_face if it's still on the chart.