40/100 = 0 why?


I just test this one

Comment(" 40%= ", 40/100);

it show me 0, why?


int i = 1 / 2; // no types casting, the result is 0

double d = 1.0 / 2.0; // no types casting, the result is 0.5

Try this instead. Not sure if its the right solution, but it shows 0.4 instead of 0

Comment (" 40%= ", 40.0/100.0);

This is fail as well

Comment(" 40%= ", 40/100*1.0);

I expect to get 0.40, but the above give me 0 again. so the casting thing did not work in this case.

But it work if I do this

Comment(" 40%= ", 1.0*40/100);

Now, do you think it is a bug?


NVM, I got it, it run from left to right , step by step. Remind me the C language :)
