What language is MQL4 and 5

Hi all, sorry if the thread is not for here.
I'd like to ask what program language is the closest to MQL4 and MQL5, because I am also planing to learn Java, or C, or something like that, and I'd like to know which one is closest to MQL4 and 5

>I copied the thread from MQL5 forum, because I think there are different users 
Hi all, sorry if the thread is not for here.
I'd like to ask what program language is the closest to MQL4 and MQL5, because I am also planing to learn Java, or C, or something like that, and I'd like to know which one is closest to MQL4 and 5

>I copied the thread from MQL5 forum, because I think there are different users 

mql4 has many similarities to C  

mql5 has some similarities to C++ I believe

Nothing will help you learn the mql4 or 5 functions though except for actually reading about them and using them. 


mql4 has many similarities to C  

mql5 has some similarities to C++ I believe

Nothing will help you learn the mql4 or 5 functions though except for actually reading about them and using them. 

I dont mean that I want to learn MQL4 or 5 through some other programming language, I just want to know which is the closest one to them, so it will be easy for me to work with both (for example Java and MQL4)

I dont mean that I want to learn MQL4 or 5 through some other programming language, I just want to know which is the closest one to them, so it will be easy for me to work with both (for example Java and MQL4)
Yes I understood that.  Many of the principles of most programming language are similar though,  variables, functions, arrays, etc. so much of what you would learn would help you with mql4 or 5.

As mentioned MQL is a free form language like C, php, perl, java etc that uses braces {} to denote control blocks and semicolons ; to denote end of line. If you know one of the preceding languages, you should be able to figure out the other free form languages quite easily.

MQL is not like Python that is more like Basic and is not free form. My personal advice is stay away from anything that is not free form if you want to learn a language as non free form is a total nightmare to maintain.

 See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free-form_language