Large M1 data disappears from MT4 between re-launches, but .hst files all present - page 2


Large M1 data disappears from MT4 between re-launches, but .hst files all present

Unfortunately my subject / headline is still valid!

Having resolved the data import issue with re-writing the date field using Sed, I still find that between launches MT4 "forgets" my imported 30 year M1 data.

This is what I did:

  • import 30 year data into history centre from .csv file
  • quit and re-launch MT4
  • ...only the first 89 records of the 30 years in the history centre

  • deleted all .hst files
  • imported the data again
  • ran period_converter to make sure all M1 history was written
  • quit and re-launch MT4
  • this time history centre says "Database: 0 / 2824274 records"
  • multiple clicks on the "1 Minute (M1)" in the symbols tree on the left hand pane
  • no result
  • opened an M1 chart which sticks at "Waiting for update"
Therefore MT4 seems to have "forgotten" the M1 history, and the only way around this is to re-import each time.

That said, I wonder why history centre says "Database: 0 / 2824274 records"?

Can anybody shed any light on this, or am I just going to have to keep re-importing every time I need to re-launch? 

Help!   :) 


Large M1 data disappears from MT4 between re-launches, but .hst files all present

Unfortunately my subject / headline is still valid!

Having resolved the data import issue with re-writing the date field using Sed, I still find that between launches MT4 "forgets" my imported 30 year M1 data.

This is what I did:

Try this:

  • close any charts you have open for the instrument you are trying to import 
  • disconnect from your Broker
  • shut-down MT4 
  • find the history folder and delete the  hst  files for the instrument you are importing
  • start MT4 - do not connect to your Broker 
  • import the data
  • confirm that the hst file has been created by looking in the history folder
  • open an M1 chart for the instrument in question
  • close MT4
  • restart MT4
  • check that all the data appears to be present on the M1 chart 
  • run period converter 

  • close any charts you have open for the instrument you are trying to import 
  • disconnect from your Broker
  • shut-down MT4 
  • find the history folder and delete the  hst  files for the instrument you are importing
  • start MT4 - do not connect to your Broker 
  • import the data
  • confirm that the hst file has been created by looking in the history folder -
.hst file not created by the above

  • open an M1 chart for the instrument in question
  • close MT4

.hst file created by close action

  • restart MT4
  • check that all the data appears to be present on the M1 chart

Hooray!  Its all there, on the chart and in history centre!

  • run period converter

All periods now in place, and re-loading between re-launches.

I haven't a clue as to why that should have worked!  Anyway I'm glad it has.  Thank you so much for your help.  Much appreciated.  :)



 I haven't a clue as to why that should have worked!  Anyway I'm glad it has.  Thank you so much for your help.  Much appreciated.  :)

You are welcome.  :-)


If you have a chart open and you are connected to your broker the  hst files will be updated . . so you delete them,  then a new tick arrives and the hst file gets updated.  The only way I know to stop the  hst files being created hen you don't want then to is to do all the importing, etc  while disconnected from your Broker.

what "disconnect from your Broker" mean, how to do it ?
what "disconnect from your Broker" mean, how to do it ?
It means disconnect from your Broker . . . login with an incorrect user account, the login fails and you are disconnected from your Broker, or use an invalid proxy address . . .

Thank's for your answer

  • start MT4 - do not connect to your Broker
  • import the data

I already try that, buy the probem is that if Iam disconnected from my broker, I can't download any data because there is nothing in the option->archives. That is why I asked a confirmation of the meaning of disconnect from your broker.

Anyway, I will do it without historical data, thank's


Thank's for your answer

  • start MT4 - do not connect to your Broker
  • import the data

I already try that, buy the probem is that if Iam disconnected from my broker, I can't download any data because there is nothing in the option->archives. That is why I asked a confirmation of the meaning of disconnect from your broker.

Anyway, I will do it without historical data, thank's

Use the History center ( F2 ) or get data elsewhere. Data from the History Center comes from MetaQuotes not your Broker.
Simon Gniadkowski #:

Try this:

  • close any charts you have open for the instrument you are trying to import 
  • disconnect from your Broker
  • shut-down MT4 
  • find the history folder and delete the  hst  files for the instrument you are importing
  • start MT4 - do not connect to your Broker 
  • import the data
  • confirm that the hst file has been created by looking in the history folder
  • open an M1 chart for the instrument in question
  • close MT4
  • restart MT4
  • check that all the data appears to be present on the M1 chart 
  • run period converter 

Please do not forget to set the max values for bars in history and charts.

I followed the instructions above and still faced the issue, that the history was reduced to round about 65000 candles after I restarted MT4 even though I was not connected with the broker.

The reason: There is a max candles setting in the options for the history DB as well as chart size. With this setting in place, MT4 will overwrite your .hst files with the limited amount of candles.

Solution: set the max values to 2147483647 (MT4 reverts 999999999999 to the max number)