Phi.nuts come out here in the open!!! - page 2


"Hope, tonny does not forget his "troubled" experience in, caused by advertising."     sounds like a clear warning to me.


This off topic thread has been given enough room to breath,  lets please consider it closed. 

I like making things fun sometimes when i came here this site was boring and people were losing money but when i came all that changed thats why when i upload something it gets more downloads and even overtakes those uploaded months ago gotta be humerous sometime. Also ive never advertised on mql5 other than in my profile if so show me the link not what people are just commenting without proof.

I rarely visit here.

Something you wrote in here, and actually that is not the first time you did that in (and mentioning what you sell is also called a promotion - a form of advertising - which is breaking the rules) 

Actually you could PM me rather that posting a thread that's not even related to mql4, MT4 or trading at all. 

Everyone who's favorite site isnt in the poll is posting links their as can be seen even now and why is it that only my profile was banned? How long is this ban i want it undone because its unfair. Also tell rosh to check his inbox and approve my new products pending in mql4 codebase.
I tried inboxing several admins and even service desk but it couldnt because the send button always ended in a 404 page not found error.
tonny: I tried inboxing several admins and even service desk but it couldnt because the send button always ended in a 404 page not found error.
I reported that. Because of the dot in Phi's name clicking on his name ( doesn't return 404, it returns a blank page. (trailing slash) works.
I reported that. Because of the dot in Phi's name clicking on his name ( doesn't return 404, it returns a blank page. (trailing slash) works.

I tried many admins like raptor and the others also service desk. And it kept bringing a page writen "404 page not found". I used the send message in my profile then clicked the admin names listed at the top as the only people one can contact when banned and it kept doing this.

Please view the images below proving this. As of now i cant contact service desk nor anyone including admins thats why i posted here. Below is the pm attempt

1) Send message page

2) Message typed and admin selected

Test message

3) This comes up


Below is the service desk attempt

1) Service desk page


2) After clicking on create a request it goes to 404 not even allowing me to create a request


And this is why i think this is a conspiracy against those who give free stuff putting the jobs section and market at risk of losing clients and all traders should rise up against this

Now you are talking rubbish,  if that were the case why would there be a CodeBase,  please don't answer . . . go away for a few days till you Ban is ended. 

As I already said . . .



This off topic thread has been given enough room to breath,  lets please consider it closed. 

Just some suspicious behaviour lately. Raptor just look at this post and tell me im the only one with a link in my comment. Im the only one who has been banned just look at it and tell me.
Just some suspicious behaviour lately. Raptor just look at this post and tell me im the only one with a link in my comment. Im the only one who has been banned just look at it and tell me.

You are the only one advertising his own commercial website ?   yes you are.  Why ?  you have been told and told and told  . . .  why do you continue to break the rules ?


do you remember this ?  why don't you learn for once . . .