Hi,guys. Can you help fix this error..

This is the result of the graph.. hope you all can help me
shentaea1.mq4  11 kb
Hi,guys. Can you help fix this error..

What error ? you haven't said what the error was ?


Read this: https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/139865

Then go here for help:  Free help with your EA  

Here the code I already fix a bit. I already try test it with Strategy tester and found out "Total net profit = 1.23" . 
I hope soon I can get a better net profit, how I can change the coding to get my prefer profit? 
Can you help me? Thanks alot for your help.
#define SIGNAL_NONE 0
#define SIGNAL_BUY   1
#define SIGNAL_SELL  2

#property copyright "Expert Advisor Builder"
#property link      "http://sufx.core.t3-ism.net/ExpertAdvisorBuilder/"

extern int MagicNumber = 0;
extern bool SignalMail = False;
extern bool EachTickMode = True;
extern double Lots = 0.01;
extern int Slippage = 3;
extern bool UseStopLoss = True;
extern int StopLoss = 60;
extern bool UseTakeProfit = True;
extern int TakeProfit = 120;
extern bool UseTrailingStop = True;
extern int TrailingStop = 30;

int BarCount;
int Current;
bool TickCheck = False;
//| expert initialization function                                   |
int init() {
   BarCount = Bars;

   if (EachTickMode) Current = 0; else Current = 1;

//| expert deinitialization function                                 |
int deinit() {
//| expert start function                                            |
int start() {
   int Order = SIGNAL_NONE;
   int Total, Ticket;
   double StopLossLevel, TakeProfitLevel;

   if (EachTickMode && Bars != BarCount) TickCheck = False;
   Total = OrdersTotal();
   Order = SIGNAL_NONE;

   //| Variable Begin                                                   |

double Buy1_1 = iMA(NULL, PERIOD_M30, 5, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 1);
double Buy1_2 = iMA(NULL, PERIOD_M30, 12, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 1);
//double Buy2_1 = iMA(NULL, PERIOD_M30, 12, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 1);
//double Buy2_2 = iMA(NULL, PERIOD_M30, 65, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 1);

double Sell1_1 = iMA(NULL, PERIOD_M30, 5, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 1);
double Sell1_2 = iMA(NULL, PERIOD_M30, 12, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 1);
//double Sell2_1 = iMA(NULL, PERIOD_M30, 12, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 1);
//double Sell2_2 = iMA(NULL, PERIOD_M30, 14, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 1);

double CloseBuy1_1 = iMA(NULL, PERIOD_M30, 5, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 1);
double CloseBuy1_2 = iMA(NULL, PERIOD_M30, 12, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 1);
//double CloseBuy2_1 = iMA(NULL, PERIOD_M30, 12, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 1);
//double CloseBuy2_2 = iMA(NULL, PERIOD_M30, 65, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 1);

double CloseSell1_1 = iMA(NULL, PERIOD_M30, 5, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 1);
double CloseSell1_2 = iMA(NULL, PERIOD_M30, 12, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 1);
//double CloseSell2_1 = iMA(NULL, PERIOD_M30, 12, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 1);
//double CloseSell2_2 = iMA(NULL, PERIOD_M30, 65, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 1);

   //| Variable End                                                     |

   //Check position
   bool IsTrade = False;

   for (int i = 0; i < Total; i ++) {
      OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
      if(OrderType() <= OP_SELL &&  OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) {
         IsTrade = True;
         if(OrderType() == OP_BUY) {

            //| Signal Begin(Exit Buy)                                           |

                     if (CloseBuy1_1 < CloseBuy1_2) Order = SIGNAL_CLOSEBUY;

            //| Signal End(Exit Buy)                                             |

            if (Order == SIGNAL_CLOSEBUY && ((EachTickMode && !TickCheck) || (!EachTickMode && (Bars != BarCount)))) {
               OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, Slippage, MediumSeaGreen);
               if (SignalMail) SendMail("[Signal Alert]", "[" + Symbol() + "] " + DoubleToStr(Bid, Digits) + " Close Buy");
               if (!EachTickMode) BarCount = Bars;
               IsTrade = False;
            //Trailing stop
            if(UseTrailingStop && TrailingStop > 0) {                 
               if(Bid - OrderOpenPrice() > Point * TrailingStop) {
                  if(OrderStopLoss() < Bid - Point * TrailingStop) {
                     OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), Bid - Point * TrailingStop, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, MediumSeaGreen);
                     if (!EachTickMode) BarCount = Bars;
         } else {

            //| Signal Begin(Exit Sell)                                          |

                     if (CloseSell1_1 > CloseSell1_2) Order = SIGNAL_CLOSESELL;

            //| Signal End(Exit Sell)                                            |

            if (Order == SIGNAL_CLOSESELL && ((EachTickMode && !TickCheck) || (!EachTickMode && (Bars != BarCount)))) {
               OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, Slippage, DarkOrange);
               if (SignalMail) SendMail("[Signal Alert]", "[" + Symbol() + "] " + DoubleToStr(Ask, Digits) + " Close Sell");
               if (!EachTickMode) BarCount = Bars;
               IsTrade = False;
            //Trailing stop
            if(UseTrailingStop && TrailingStop > 0) {                 
               if((OrderOpenPrice() - Ask) > (Point * TrailingStop)) {
                  if((OrderStopLoss() > (Ask + Point * TrailingStop)) || (OrderStopLoss() == 0)) {
                     OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), Ask + Point * TrailingStop, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, DarkOrange);
                     if (!EachTickMode) BarCount = Bars;

   //| Signal Begin(Entry)                                              |

   if (Buy1_1 > Buy1_2) Order = SIGNAL_BUY;

   if (Sell1_1 < Sell1_2) Order = SIGNAL_SELL;

   //| Signal End                                                       |

   if (Order == SIGNAL_BUY && ((EachTickMode && !TickCheck) || (!EachTickMode && (Bars != BarCount)))) {
      if(!IsTrade) {
         //Check free margin
         if (AccountFreeMargin() < (1000 * Lots)) {
            Print("We have no money. Free Margin = ", AccountFreeMargin());

         if (UseStopLoss) StopLossLevel = Ask - StopLoss * Point; else StopLossLevel = 0.0;
         if (UseTakeProfit) TakeProfitLevel = Ask + TakeProfit * Point; else TakeProfitLevel = 0.0;

         Ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, Lots, Ask, Slippage, 0, 0, "Buy(#" + MagicNumber + ")", MagicNumber, 0, DodgerBlue);
         if(Ticket > 0) {
            if (OrderSelect(Ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)) {
                                Print("BUY order opened : ", OrderOpenPrice());
               if (SignalMail) SendMail("[Signal Alert]", "[" + Symbol() + "] " + DoubleToStr(Ask, Digits) + " Open Buy");
                              } else {
                                       Print("Error opening BUY order : ", GetLastError());
         if (EachTickMode) TickCheck = True;
         if (!EachTickMode) BarCount = Bars;

   if (Order == SIGNAL_SELL && ((EachTickMode && !TickCheck) || (!EachTickMode && (Bars != BarCount)))) {
      if(!IsTrade) {
         //Check free margin
         if (AccountFreeMargin() < (1000 * Lots)) {
            Print("We have no money. Free Margin = ", AccountFreeMargin());

         if (UseStopLoss) StopLossLevel = Bid + StopLoss * Point; else StopLossLevel = 0.0;
         if (UseTakeProfit) TakeProfitLevel = Bid - TakeProfit * Point; else TakeProfitLevel = 0.0;

         Ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, Lots, Bid, Slippage, 0, 0, "Sell(#" + MagicNumber + ")", MagicNumber, 0, DeepPink);
         if(Ticket > 0) {
            if (OrderSelect(Ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)) {
                                Print("SELL order opened : ", OrderOpenPrice());
               if (SignalMail) SendMail("[Signal Alert]", "[" + Symbol() + "] " + DoubleToStr(Bid, Digits) + " Open Sell");
                              } else {
                                      Print("Error opening SELL order : ", GetLastError());
         if (EachTickMode) TickCheck = True;
         if (!EachTickMode) BarCount = Bars;

   if (!EachTickMode) BarCount = Bars;

Image from the Strategy testing
Hope you can help me from the result of strategy tester above. :)
maria712: I can get a better net profit
  1. Do you really think a simple MA cross will give any long term profit?
  2. Do you really think that you can ignore all the problems with EAB?
  3. Do you really think that you won't have to learn Mql4?
  4. When you registered, perhaps you missed the part about Any discussions except of concerning MetaQuotes Language 4 and auto trading are forbidden. You're off topic. You didn't ask a programming question.
  5. If you think we can provide a better proven strategy, why would we be here and why would we give it away?
I'm sorry