AE otomatis

help me,, when the IA in the test went well in the strategy tester. why not work on a live account / demo ..?? thank
help me,, when the IA in the test went well in the strategy tester. why not work on a live account / demo ..?? thank

you have a bad written program

Open Terminal where your EA is working

and look for some time (few days)  

check if you get errors from your EA in Journal

and the   text in Experts

and if you have the source file then you can check also the code

  and look how the ordersend command is written

  and how it is checking if there are trades open 


It depend on what kind of EA you have. Maybe Strategy tester simulation does not correctly reflect market movements for your EA. For example if your EA relies on market movements not only on open close e.t.c. Somehow like that.

I have had such problem too so I know - if you are relying on market movements you should do some live Demo testing before putting your money in game. I simply rewrited my EA so it works with different principles and it works well now.

Also when testing EA use as much data as possible - at least 1 or 2 year data.


Ini tergantung pada jenis EA yang Anda miliki. Mungkin Strategi simulasi tester tidak benar mencerminkan pergerakan pasar untuk EA Anda. Sebagai contoh jika EA Anda bergantung pada pergerakan pasar tidak hanya pada dll dekat terbuka Entah bagaimana seperti itu.

Saya memiliki masalah seperti ini juga jadi saya tahu - jika Anda mengandalkan pergerakan pasar Anda harus melakukan beberapa pengujian Demo hidup sebelum menempatkan uang Anda dalam permainan. Saya hanya rewrited EA saya sehingga bekerja dengan prinsip yang berbeda dan itu bekerja dengan baik sekarang.

Juga ketika pengujian EA menggunakan data sebanyak mungkin - setidaknya 1 atau 2 data tahun.

thanks for all the advice ... if you can fix this EA ...?? I was stupid for this,,