function definition unexpected ?????

//======================= condition for ORDER BUY ===============================


if  (Check1 >= Threshold && Check2 >= Threshold && O<H)     
    ticket=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUYSTOP,Lot,H+P+Spread,0,H+P-SL+Spread,H+P+TP+Spread,NULL,0,iTime( Symbol(), PERIOD_D1, 0 ) + 86400);

    if (ticket==-1)
    Comment("\n","Cannot set OP_BUYSTOP",
            "\n","The price is not satisfied to the market entry condition");
   //================================ condition for ORDER SELL ==================== 

if  (Check1 >= Threshold && Check2 >= Threshold && O>L)  
    ticket2=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELLSTOP,Lot,L-P,0,L-P+SL,L-P-TP,NULL,0,iTime( Symbol(), PERIOD_D1, 0 ) + 86400);
    if (ticket2==-1)
    Comment("\n","Cannot set OP_SELLSTOP",
            "\n","The price is not satisfied to the market entry condition");
// int total=OrdersTotal();
//int TotalOrderCount(string Symbol, int ticket)
 bool ClosePendingOrder(string Symbol, int Ticket);<<<<<<<<<-----function definition unexpected 
     if (Ask > (H+P+Spread))<<<<<<<<<<------do not delete the order

  if ( OrderSelect(ticket2,SELECT_BY_TICKET)== true)
  bool orderx= OrderDelete(ticket2,Red);


the target is to delete  one pending order once the other hit.(in thise case only the stop_sell need to delete) 



the target is to delete  one pending order once the other hit.(in thise case only the sell buy need to delete) 


Sort your indenting and braces into some coherent and consistent style and you will probably see where your issue is.

User defined functions do not belong within other functions,  they are defined outside of all other functions,  they are called from inside functions.


Sort your indenting and braces into some coherent and consistent style and you will probably see where your issue is.

User defined functions do not belong within other functions,  they are defined outside of all other functions,  they are called from inside functions.

thanks .


now i have problem white the "scop" 

// int total=OrdersTotal();
//int TotalOrderCount(string Symbol, int ticket)
 }<<<<<<<<-----start end
 bool ClosePendingOrder(string Symbol, int Ticket)
     if (Ask > (H+P+Spread))

  if ( OrderSelect(ticket2,SELECT_BY_TICKET)== true)
  bool orderx= OrderDelete(ticket2,Red);


 do i need variables declare in the function?  


ok its fix!!

 but i get an error when i try to connect the function. can you take a look?

//======================= condition for ORDER BUY ===============================


if  (Check1 >= Threshold && Check2 >= Threshold && O<H)     
    ticket=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUYSTOP,Lot,H+P+Spread,0,H+P-SL+Spread,H+P+TP+Spread,NULL,0,iTime( Symbol(), PERIOD_D1, 0 ) + 86400);
ClosePendingOrder( symbol , int Ticket);<<<<<<<<<----')' - comma or semicolon expected  ?????

    if (ticket==-1)
    Comment("\n","Cannot set OP_BUYSTOP",
            "\n","The price is not satisfied to the market entry condition");

 many thanks  :-)


ok its fix!!

 but i get an error when i try to connect the function. can you take a look?

 many thanks  :-)

When you call a function you pass it the variables it requires to be able to do what you need it to do . . .


    ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUYSTOP, Lot, H+P+Spread, 0, H+P-SL+Spread, H+P+TP+Spread, NULL, 0, iTime( Symbol(), PERIOD_D1, 0 ) + 86400);
ClosePendingOrder( symbol , ticket);  //  ticket variable from the OrderSend above ?

 Although I don't understand why you would open a pending order and then immediately try to close it ? ?


When you call a function you pass it the variables it requires to be able to do what you need it to do . . .


 Although I don't understand why you would open a pending order and then immediately try to close it ? ?

yes , do i need to include just the "H+P+Spread" ?(or all the variables )


i am closing  if the "ask> H+P+Spread".





yes , do i need to include just the "H+P+Spread" ?(or all the variables )


i am closing  if the "ask> H+P+Spread".

Are the variables concerned local or globally defined ?  if local you will need to pass them to the function or make them globals.
Are the variables concerned local or globally defined ?  if local you will need to pass them to the function or make them globals.


* now its  "pend=H+P+Spread" 

 bu still, its give me "comma or semicolon expected"


//======================= condition for ORDER BUY ===============================


if  (Check1 >= Threshold && Check2 >= Threshold && O<H)     
    ticket=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUYSTOP,Lot,H+P+Spread,0,H+P-SL+Spread,H+P+TP+Spread,NULL,0,iTime( Symbol(), PERIOD_D1, 0 ) + 86400);
    if (ticket==-1)
    Comment("\n","Cannot set OP_BUYSTOP",
            "\n","The price is not satisfied to the market entry condition");
   ClosePendingOrder( symbol , int Ticket)<<<<<<<<<------------here--- "semicolon or comma expected "
   //================================ condition for ORDER SELL ==================== 

if  (Check1 >= Threshold && Check2 >= Threshold && O>L)  
    ticket2=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELLSTOP,Lot,L-P,0,L-P+SL,L-P-TP,NULL,0,iTime( Symbol(), PERIOD_D1, 0 ) + 86400);
    if (ticket2==-1)
    Comment("\n","Cannot set OP_SELLSTOP",
            "\n","The price is not satisfied to the market entry condition");
// int total=OrdersTotal();
//int TotalOrderCount(string Symbol, int ticket)
 bool ClosePendingOrder(string symbol , int Ticket,double pend)
     double H,Spread,P;
     int ticket2;
     if (Ask > pend)

  if ( OrderSelect(ticket2,SELECT_BY_TICKET)== true)
  bool orderx= OrderDelete(ticket2,Red);

 i been trying the semicolon so i gess its the comma issue  now.
any advice?


* now its  "pend=H+P+Spread" 

 bu still, its give me "comma or semicolon expected"

Read the code in the post I posted earlier . . .

every thing seems to be ok white the code,but unexpected result (its closing the sell order permanently ) i do not understand  the logic is :delete the order sell _stop only if   ask> pend(H+P+Spread) , i have no idea whats want wrong.



any advice?

many thanks.

 the code:

//======================= condition for ORDER BUY ===============================


if  (Check1 >= Threshold && Check2 >= Threshold && O<H)     
    ticket=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUYSTOP,Lot,H+P+Spread,0,H+P-SL+Spread,H+P+TP+Spread,NULL,0,iTime( Symbol(), PERIOD_D1, 0 ) + 86400);
    if (ticket==-1)
    Comment("\n","Cannot set OP_BUYSTOP",
            "\n","The price is not satisfied to the market entry condition");

   //================================ condition for ORDER SELL ==================== 

if  (Check1 >= Threshold && Check2 >= Threshold && O>L)  
    ticket2=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELLSTOP,Lot,L-P,0,L-P+SL,L-P-TP,NULL,0,iTime( Symbol(), PERIOD_D1, 0 ) + 86400);
    if (ticket2==-1)
    Comment("\n","Cannot set OP_SELLSTOP",
            "\n","The price is not satisfied to the market entry condition");

   ClosePendingOrder( symbol,ticket,ticket2);<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<----------------
// int total=OrdersTotal();
//int TotalOrderCount(string Symbol, int ticket)
 }<<<<<<<___________end of  start
 bool ClosePendingOrder(string symbol ,int  Ticket,int ticket2)
     double H,Spread,P,pend;
     //int ticket2;
     if (Ask > pend)<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<-----------the calcultion
  bool orderx= OrderDelete(ticket2,Red);


Sort your indenting and braces into some coherent and consistent style  . . .

Maybe someone else will look at your code,  I'm not in the state it's in.