open/high/low/close indicator - page 2

If you have a legitimate license to have the code for the EA or Indicator you are posting and permission to change it then there is no problem posting it here and asking for help when you are stuck.

So something downloaded from here or another source does not qualify, even if just a small part of the code? Sorry to bother you again but i want to keep using this forum as it is my best way to learn but i am still a novice?

If you have a legitimate license to have the code for the EA or Indicator you are posting and permission to change it then there is no problem posting it here and asking for help when you are stuck.

Ok thanks RaptorUK.


So something downloaded from here or another source does not qualify, even if just a small part of the code? Sorry to bother you again but i want to keep using this forum as it is my best way to learn but i am still a novice ?

It's no bother,  I would rather you ask than do something that is not right or proper. 


If you have a legal right to use and modify the code then yes you can post it here as long as you also have permission to publish it on a public forum  . . . if you don't then you are breaking the law and the rules of this Forum will probably not matter to you either way.


Code posted by the the author in a public Forum is in the public domain and unless stated otherwise is free for you to use and modify.  It is good practice and good manners to quote the source of your code in the comments if the code is not your own work. You should always be a little cautious of the code that other people post as their own work unless you have some confidence that it is actually their own.

The most blatant and obvious form of people posting code that they shouldn't is when someone posts decompiled code . . .  it is obvious so it can be stamped on.  It's harder to stamp on the less obvious examples . . .