custom indicator editing


Hello to you all !

I am in the middle of developing a trading strategy that uses this wonderful MT4 platform. I am by no stretch of the imagination any type of programmer but can understand a little about the basic meta-editor.

I have a question that I am hoping you may be able to help me with. I have found a custom indicator that I like the behaviour of. The problem I have is that I cannot 'modify' the line colour or & thickness of the indicator it applies to my charts. It would seem as though the file wasn't written with the mql4 language , but it does have an ex4 extension. I have renamed the file so that meta-editor will open it but all it shows is what I assume is 'code' rather than the editing language that can be edited.

Can anyone please help me with this????

Many Thanks in anticipation , Andy


Hello to you all !

I am in the middle of developing a trading strategy that uses this wonderful MT4 platform. I am by no stretch of the imagination any type of programmer but can understand a little about the basic meta-editor.

I have a question that I am hoping you may be able to help me with. I have found a custom indicator that I like the behaviour of. The problem I have is that I cannot 'modify' the line colour or & thickness of the indicator it applies to my charts. It would seem as though the file wasn't written with the mql4 language , but it does have an ex4 extension. I have renamed the file so that meta-editor will open it but all it shows is what I assume is 'code' rather than the editing language that can be edited.

Can anyone please help me with this???? 

No,  what you have is the compiled file,  to edit any mql4 code you need the source code,  the mq4 file.  Contact the author of the Indicator and ask for the source code.
No,  what you have is the compiled file,  to edit any mql4 code you need the source code,  the mq4 file.  Contact the author of the Indicator and ask for the source code.

many thanks RaptorUK

many thanks RaptorUK

The file in question has been sent to me from an associate trader with whom I'm working with. I really can't find where it's come from or who the author is. I've checked the online library etc to no avail. Does anyone know who could look at this file for me to maybe shed some light as where I need to go with this please???

The file in question has been sent to me from an associate trader with whom I'm working with. I really can't find where it's come from or who the author is. I've checked the online library etc to no avail. Does anyone know who could look at this file for me to maybe shed some light as where I need to go with this please???
As I said . . .  to edit an Indicator you need the mq4 file . . . the ex4 file is the compiled version.  Contact the Author, if you cannot then you have no solution.
As I said . . .  to edit an Indicator you need the mq4 file . . . the ex4 file is the compiled version.  Contact the Author, if you cannot then you have no solution.

Thanks again raptor. I understood what you meant the first time,it was the author problem I was referring to in my 2nd ques,but again thanks.
30081969:  Does anyone know who could look at this file for me to maybe shed some light as where I need to go with this please???
Open the ex4 in notepad. The first several lines you may see the URL or Email address. See screen shot (from MQL4 Language for Newbies. Custom Indicators (Part 1) - MQL4 Articles)
Open the ex4 in notepad. The first several lines you may see the URL or Email address. See screen shot (from MQL4 Language for Newbies. Custom Indicators (Part 1) - MQL4 Articles)

Ah ha progress........I have now opened in notepad with the only legible text being the standard copyright but thanks WHRoeder. Am I allowed to copy n paste into here for you all to take a look at?

Also is it poss to convert back to mq4? 


Ah ha progress........I have now opened in notepad with the only legible text being the standard copyright but thanks WHRoeder. Am I allowed to copy n paste into here for you all to take a look at?

Also is it poss to convert back to mq4? 

Do you have a license from the author to have access to the source code ?

Read this:


Do you have a license from the author to have access to the source code ?

Read this:

Well that's a given as I don't know who the author is but I guess that was implied anyway......I do though appreciate being brought up to speed on regs as I would not want to fall foul of any laws or more so offend any authors.

Hello All, i have been trading a small account for Three years now and have learnt that you "burn your fingers" if you try to get "too close to the action" as in low time frame charts, i have however learned that higher time frame charts are the way to go, i have a strategy that works and a histogram MQL4 code that needs a single audio alert  at change  of condition/color/"barlock", it does not repaint but the first bar change  [i call it the indecision bar] does, i enter a trade therefor on the 2nd bar [lock],  may i please ask the boffins out there to assist me in this regard, await in anticipation.. Thank You!