How can that be ?? - page 2


I think I have found the problem.

I had the global variable SellMiddleLevel initialized to 100 at the beginning but later changed it to -100.

I was under the impression that when I recompile this new value would be picked up and become part of the new .exe, but that did not happen.

I seem to have no other option but to change it in the Expert Properties before i run the test.

Is my conclusion correct?

I'm not 100% certain to be honest.  I keep all my code in a folder away from MT4, when I want to run a new EA I copy it over and get it to compile within MT4,  but I've never tried to get it to accept a new default extern parameter.  Maybe by removing the EA from MT4,  restarting then adding it back to MT4 and again restarting it will pickup the new default value for the extrn . . .  or change the name of the EA and include the version number in the name,  so when you create a new version you have a new EA . . . that will 100% pickup the new default extern values.  


Well done for finding the problem  :-) 


I had the global variable SellMiddleLevel initialized to 100 at the beginning but later changed it to -100.

I was under the impression that when I recompile this new value would be picked up and become part of the new .exe, but that did not happen.

I seem to have no other option but to change it in the Expert Properties before i run the test.

Is my conclusion correct?

Yes it is. In the tester the extern values come from the Expert Properties button. New extern variables default to the extern value, but after that your extern's are fixed. If you had run live, the compiled value would appear in the properties when you attach the EA to a chart.


Thanks guys for all your assistance!

You have helped me a lot. I also understand some of the workings of the Tester and external variables now much better!!