OpenFileMappingA, sharing data between MQL4 and C++ program


Hi, I'm trying to get an MQL4 program to talk to a C++ program via memory space instead of file handling.  I have run the following example successfully:

Now i'm trying to port the "second process" to MQL4.

I'm trying to get the EA to Alert the message sent by the first process (C++ program) but running OpenFileMappingA fails.

I have tried the OpenFileMapping and OpenFileMappingA versions, as mql4 prefers ANSI.

 I obviously have the "first process" running in the background and i have this EA running:

#define BUF_SIZE 256
extern string szName = "Global\\MyFileMappingObject";
#import "kernel32.dll"
int OpenFileMappingA(string dwDesiredAccess, bool bInheritHandle, string lpName);
int MapViewOfFile(int hFileMappingObject, string dwDesiredAccess, int dwFileOffsetHigh, int dwFileOffsetLow, int dwNumberOfBytestoMap);
bool CloseHandle(int handle);
bool UnmapViewOfFile(string lpBaseAddress);
int start()
   int handle = 0;
   string pBuf;
   handle = OpenFileMappingA(NULL, TRUE, szName);
   if(handle == 0) Alert("Could not open file mapping object", GetLastError());
   pBuf = MapViewOfFile(handle, NULL, 0, 0, BUF_SIZE);
   /*if(pBuf == 0)
      Alert("Could not map view of file");

Any ideas ? 


Hi, I'm trying to get an MQL4 program to talk to a C++ program via memory space instead of file handling.  I have run the following example successfully:

Now i'm trying to port the "second process" to MQL4.

I'm trying to get the EA to Alert the message sent by the first process (C++ program) but running OpenFileMappingA fails.

I have tried the OpenFileMapping and OpenFileMappingA versions, as mql4 prefers ANSI.

 I obviously have the "first process" running in the background and i have this EA running:

Any ideas ? 

For the next time would you please use SRC button to post the code.


This is how to pass NULL pointer  How to pass a null pointer to a DLL?

I can only find these 2 in mql5 (not mql4) code base, hope that helps : Memory Mapping and File Mapping without DLL


For the next time would you please use SRC button to post the code.


This is how to pass NULL pointer  How to pass a null pointer to a DLL?

I can only find these 2 in mql5 (not mql4) code base, hope that helps : Memory Mapping and File Mapping without DLL

Hi, I have looked at all of those links before.  I have mql4, but looking at the features of MQL5,  I'm gonna look at upgrading my account. By the looks of things mql5 makes external calls alot easier yes ?