Identify selected object


Hello everyone!

Is there a way to identify a selected object? E.g. if I double click a horizontal line, it is selected (you can move it, delete it and so on...). So what I want is to select an object via double click, my ci is recognizing the selected object and takes  it into further processing.

Thanks in advance!


Hello everyone!

Is there a way to identify a selected object? E.g. if I double click a horizontal line, it is selected (you can move it, delete it and so on...). So what I want is to select an object via double click, my ci is recognizing the selected object and takes  it into further processing.

No,  but you can remember he position of all the Objects and detect if one is moved, if one is moved you can use that to "select" it.
No,  but you can remember he position of all the Objects and detect if one is moved, if one is moved you can use that to "select" it.

That´s an idea, thanks!
A user has reported that the DLL behind that code is no longer supported and has issues with recent versions of MT4