Bar prices problems



I'm a newbie.

I'm using the following code to capture the prices (open, close, max and min) every time a new candle is detected.





int init()
   lastCandleOpenTime = Time[0];

int deinit()

int start()

int start()

if (isNewCandle())

Print("***************** New Candle *****************");

datetime T_Bar=Time [0]; // Bar opening time
double O_Bar=Open [0]; // Bar open price
double C_Bar=Close[0]; // Bar close price
double H_Bar=High [0]; // Bar maximum price
double L_Bar=Low [0]; // Bar minimum price

Print("Bar opening time = ", TimeToStr(T_Bar));
Print("Bar open price = ", DoubleToStr(O_Bar,5));
Print("Bar close price = ", DoubleToStr(C_Bar,5));
Print("Bar maximum price = ", DoubleToStr(H_Bar,5));
Print("Bar minimum price = ", DoubleToStr(L_Bar,5));
Print("Bid = ", DoubleToStr(Bid,5));
Print("Ask = ", DoubleToStr(Ask,5));
Print("Total Orders = ", DoubleToStr(OrdersTotal(),5));



bool isNewCandle()
   //TRUE if New Candle
   //FALSE if Old Candle

   bool isNewCandle = false;
   int v_shift = iBarShift(NULL, 0, lastCandleOpenTime, true);
   if (v_shift == 0)
      isNewCandle = false;
     isNewCandle = true;
     lastCandleOpenTime = Time[0];
   return (isNewCandle);



looking in Journal messages, I always find the same price for max, min, open and close price.

the function isnewcandle() works good; it recognizes new candle so the prices printed in journal change every new candle but there are no differences between the prices above.

Can you help me?

Thanks in advance.




I'm a newbie.

I'm using the following code to capture the prices (open, close, max and min) every time a new candle is detected.


looking in Journal messages, I always find the same price for max, min, open and close price.

the function isnewcandle() works good; it recognizes new candle so the prices printed in journal change every new candle but there are no differences between the prices above. 

Please edit your post . . .   or have your code removed

Please use this to post code . . . it makes it easier to read.



I'm a newbie.

I'm using the following code to capture the prices (open, close, max and min) every time a new candle is detected.

looking in Journal messages, I always find the same price for max, min, open and close price.

the function isnewcandle() works good; it recognizes new candle so the prices printed in journal change every new candle but there are no differences between the prices above.

You are getting the data from Bar 0 when it has just opened . . .  so all the values will be the same as it's Open price.  You should be getting the values from Bar 1  when Bar 0 has just opened . . .  then you will be getting the correct OHLC values for a completed bar. 

You are getting the data from Bar 0 when it has just opened . . .  so all the values will be the same as it's Open price.  You should be getting the values from Bar 1  when Bar 0 has just opened . . .  then you will be getting the correct OHLC values for a completed bar.  


Thanks RaptorUK.

Now it work well. 

You can find my code with your suggestions. 
