I can not see some of my Indicators in Navigator window on MT4


I have all indicator MQL4 files present in expert/indicators directory. I restarted  MT4 and looking for attaching one indicator from custom Indicator tab in navigator but I can not see the indicator in navigator.  I can see <some number> more.... and there are no rest of the indicators. 

I am observing this from long time. Sometime I complie one of the indicator file OR restart MT4 then it shows all the files but sometime no matter what I do it wont show up,. I can not attach indicator to my charts. Although indicator file is already placed in expert/indicators directory.


Is this some sort of enhancement / feature of MT4? Does anyone have any idea about this problem? Is there any work-around to get this working so that I can attach my indicators?  

I would greatly appreciate if someone can give me some idea about what to do to get this working.





I have all indicator MQL4 files present in expert/indicators directory. I restarted  MT4 and looking for attaching one indicator from custom Indicator tab in navigator but I can not see the indicator in navigator.  I can see <some number> more.... and there are no rest of the indicators. 

I am observing this from long time. Sometime I complie one of the indicator file OR restart MT4 then it shows all the files but sometime no matter what I do it wont show up,. I can not attach indicator to my charts. Although indicator file is already placed in expert/indicators directory.

Maybe its a Windows UAC issue ?  are you running Vista or Windows 7 ?   is your MT4 installed in Program Files directory ?
Maybe its a Windows UAC issue ?  are you running Vista or Windows 7 ?   is your MT4 installed in Program Files directory ?

Hi RaptorUK,
I am using Windows 7 and no it is not installed in Program files. It is installed in C:.

I am surprised that is it not very common problem because I see it all the time. It never used to be there in very older version of MT4. Since the time they started using <someNumber> more .... feature it started this hiding files from navigator window. Hope this will help to figure out.


 Since the time they started using <someNumber> more .... 

Ah . . .  you mean with a globe ICON next to it . . .  those are EAs/Indicators/Scripts available to download from the Internet,  if you double click it you are taken to MetaEditor and the Online Library tab . . .

How many Indicators should you have in your Custom Indicator list ?  and how many do you actually have ?  


Ah . . .  you mean with a globe ICON next to it . . .  those are EAs/Indicators/Scripts available to download from the Internet,  if you double click it you are taken to MetaEditor and the Online Library tab . . .

How many Indicators should you have in your Custom Indicator list ?  and how many do you actually have ?  

I have total 663 indicators out of which I can see only 526 in navigator window and can attach those to chart. I can not attach rest of them to chart.


I have total 663 indicators out of which I can see only 526 in navigator window and can attach those to chart. I can not attach rest of them to chart.

Ah . . .  I have no idea what the limit is on how many Indicators can be shown in the list . . .  but I suspect you have gone past it.  

I know it's not much help . . .  you could raise a service desk request from your profile on the MQL5 site,  you will need to register if you haven't already,  and ask the question there, they are most likely to have information about these kind of limits.

now mt4 buid 615.


my old indicators not seen in navigatör indicator list.

what can I do.?


build 600-build 610-build 615

in one mount