Have difficulty with advanced order management.


Hi all,

i have  difficulty to code my exigency.

Let assume that i have multiple buy position opened. 

If the ea want open  a new buy position i want that before it verify that some of the all other open buy position haven't the same or + o - the same open price level respect the actual ask;

Hope to be clarify,

Thank you 

So go through an orderSelect loop and compare each open price with the new one.

I already had codes which does something like what you're looking for. So here you go. Simi-Tested on 4-digit Broker.

void start(){
    int Magic=7; string Symb=Symbol();
void Buy_Order_Origination(int Magic, string Symb){
    double Aski=MarketInfo(Symb,MODE_ASK);
    double BrkMinLot=MarketInfo(Symb,MODE_MINLOT);
bool isOnp_Exist(int Mg, string Sy, int Ty, double P, int Dif){
    for(int i=OrdersTotal()-1; i>=0; i--){
        int iP=p2i(Sy,P);
        int Onp=p2i(Sy,OrderOpenPrice());
        int Difference=MathAbs(Onp-iP);
}   }
int p2i(string Symb, double X){
    /*Converts Price_2_Integer For Comparing With Equal Sign*/
        if(StringFind(Symb,"JPY")>-1){int Y=100;}else{Y=10000;}
int Order_Send(int Magic, string Symb,
    int OType, double Price, double Lots){
    int Order_Slip=0; color OrColor;
    int OrTicket=OrderSend(
return(OrTicket);    }

Thank you all.

And if i need to have the magic number of the order that have the highest openprice ??

How can i have this return?

Thank you 


These are the easier stuff to learn. I recommend trying instead of asking for every little function.


int Magic_HiOnp(){//If you need to filter by Symb/Type then Add em.
    double HiOnp; int ReturnMg;
    for(int i=OrdersTotal()-1; i>=0; i--){