Please help with a very simple indicator! - page 2


RaptorUK - EXCELLENT!!! I've tested it and it's perfect! Many thanks!! Does exactly what it says on the tin! Seriously, I'm very grateful for your help - I guess programming language just isn't something that gels well with my brain.

Glad it does what you wanted . . .  in all it was about an hours work for me and that was using code I had already written.  You are welcome though  :-)

deVries - thanks for suggestion but I just needed a stand alone indicator with no whilstles and bells.


RaptorUK - EXCELLENT!!! I've tested it and it's perfect! Many thanks!! Does exactly what it says on the tin! Seriously, I'm very grateful for your help - I guess programming language just isn't something that gels well with my brain.


All the best



I know Raptor's indicator is  fine for what you wanted to have ..   

But why do you think EA Profits 1.0   isn't a standalone indicator   they all are standalone it is not needed to have them all on chart One is enough

The whistels and bells are also inside iExposure...   For learning it might be nice  Compare the two indicators to see the changes i made to iExposure to get the EA Profits 1.0