DateTime Comparison



i m using 1H chart,and i would like to

1)get today Bar Highest and lowest Price from 12:00AM to 5:00A.M
2)how to check is the trade date is today date?? using the OrderOpenTime()


i m using 1H chart,and i would like to

1)get today Bar Highest and lowest Price from 12:00AM to 5:00A.M
2)how to check is the trade date is today date?? using the OrderOpenTime()


double HighestFrom0to5am = iHigh(NULL, PERIOD_H1,  iHighest(NULL, PERIOD_H1, MODE_HIGH, 5, TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) - 5) );

 from this you should get the idea of how to do the lowest . . .  

Note:  not tested . . .  please test properly.


OrderSelect(. . . . );

if(TimeDayOfYear(OrderOpenTime()) == TimeDayOfYear(TimeCurrent()))
   Print("Order was placed today ! ");

 this works unless your order is exactly a year or 2 years or 3 years, etc, old. 

double HighestFrom0to5am = iHigh(NULL, PERIOD_H1,  iHighest(NULL, PERIOD_H1, MODE_HIGH, 5, TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) - 5) );
why don't just use the IHighest ?? why need IHigh???i don't know what is the different
why don't just use the IHighest ?? why need IHigh???i don't know what is the different
Look at the Documentation,  what does iHighest() return ?
Look at the Documentation,  what does iHighest() return ?

i don't understand the different iHigh and iHighest explanation from documentation,
if not i won't ask.thanks you very much

i don't understand the different iHigh and iHighest explanation from documentation,
if not i won't ask.thanks you very much
From the iHighest() documentation . . .  "Returns the shift of the maximum value over a specific number of periods depending on type."  it returns the shift ( bar number ),  not a price . . you want the price,  so you need to use iHigh  (or High[] )  to get the high of the bar number returned by iHighest.
1)get today Bar Highest and lowest Price from 12:00AM to 5:00A.M
2)how to check is the trade date is today date?? using the OrderOpenTime()

The above codes makes use of the fact that you are on the H1 chart. Below works on any TF <= D1

not compiled, not tested

#define HR2400      86400           // 24 * 3600
datetime TimeOfDay(datetime when){  return( when % HR2400          );       }
datetime DateOfDay(datetime when){  return( when - TimeOfDay(when) );       }
#define HR0500      18000
datetime OOT = OrderOpenTime(),
         now = TimeCurrent(),
         bod = DateOfDay(now),
         hr5 = bod + HR0500;
if (hr5 > now) .. // before 5AM. Next day? need to handle?
int     iBod = iBarShift(NULL, 0, bod),
        iHR5 = iBarShift(NULL, 0, hr5),
        iHH  = iHighest(NULL,0, MODE_HIGH, iBod - iHR5, iHR5+1); // Not including 5AM
double  HH5  = High[iHH];
bool    isTodaysTrade = DateOfDay(OOT) == bod;

not compiled, not tested
datetime OOT = OrderOpenTime()
bool    isTodaysTrade = DateOfDay(OOT) == bod;
i don't understand here

bool    isTodaysTrade = DateOfDay(OOT) == bod;
can explain please?
From the iHighest() documentation . . .  "Returns the shift of the maximum value over a specific number of periods depending on type."  it returns the shift ( bar number ),  not a price . . you want the price,  so you need to use iHigh  (or High[] )  to get the high of the bar number returned by iHighest.

oh....! thanks!
#define HR2400      86400           // 24 * 3600
datetime TimeOfDay(datetime when){  return( when % HR2400          );       }
datetime DateOfDay(datetime when){  return( when - TimeOfDay(when) );       }

#define HR0500      18000
#define HR1200      43200

int start()
datetime now = TimeCurrent(),
         bod = DateOfDay(now)+ HR0500,
         hr5 = bod + HR1200;
if (hr5 > now) // before 5AM. Next day? need to handle?
int     iBod = iBarShift(NULL, 0, bod),
        iHR5 = iBarShift(NULL, 0, hr5),
        iHH  = iHighest(NULL,0, MODE_HIGH, iBod - iHR5, iHR5); 
double  HH5  = High[iHH];

so, this is the code to get the 5:00A.m until 12:00P.m and get the highest i correct?
so, this is the code to get the 5:00A.m until 12:00P.m and get the highest i correct?
Does it work ?