Problem Open Order Moving Average - page 2

i use the tradeallowed function : And trade is allowed between 9am to 20pm so yes actually it is true.
And you checked it is actually working by adding a Print or Comment ?  can you copy & paste the screen shot or log entry please ?  don't assume,  check !

OK,  it seems your position size calculations are not working properly, try 1% risk instead of 5% . . . 

This is a bad idea . . .

if(Point == 0.001 || Point == 0.00001) 

 Read this thread:  Can price != price ?


Ok! thank you very much, the problem lied in the size positions... not enought money...

but when you wrote :

            if(OrderSelect(iBuyTicket, SELECT_BY_POS))
               if(!OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), dSellWideStop, dSellWideLimite, 0, 0))
                  Print("Order Modify failed, error # ", GetLastError() );}                                         

does the ordermodify is realized when included in an "if" loop?

indeed do the 2 blocks are tantamount ?

if(!OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), dSellWideStop, dSellWideLimite, 0, 0))
                 { Print("Order Modify failed, error # ", GetLastError() );} 

OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), dSellWideStop, dSellWideLimite, 0, 0);
if(!OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), dSellWideStop, dSellWideLimite, 0, 0))
                  {Print("Order Modify failed, error # ", GetLastError() );} 

does the ordermodify is realized when included in an "if" loop?

Yes, of course . . .   OrderModify() returns a bool . . .  my code says . . .


if(! bool)  // not bool, so . . .   if false

   Print("Order Modify failed, error # ", GetLastError() );  // the {} are not needed for a single line  (except in some else conditions)

indeed do the 2 blocks are tantamount ?

In this code . . . .

OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), dSellWideStop, dSellWideLimite, 0, 0);
if(!OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), dSellWideStop, dSellWideLimite, 0, 0))
                  {Print("Order Modify failed, error # ", GetLastError() );} 

 . . .  you are calling OrderModify() twice .. .


ok! thank you :)

and last question, in the EA i wrote :

int start()
fTradeAllowed (iTimeDebut, iTimeFin);
fStopSuiveur (Symbol(), iStop, iMagic) ;

if (TradeAllowed)
Do i have to call the function fTradeAllowed before if (TradeAllowed)... or is it useless ?

The way you are using functions doesn't make a lot of sense . . .  if a function is designed to returns a value then you should use that return value . . .

TradeAllowed = fTradeAllowed (iTimeDebut, iTimeFin);

bool fTradeAllowed (int iTimeDebut, int iTimeFin)
   iTimeSeconds = Hour()*3600 + Minute()*60 + Seconds(); // Conversion de l'heure actuelle en secondes ;
   if(iTimeSeconds >= iTimeDebut && iTimeSeconds < iTimeFin) // Vérification si l'heure est dans la plage horaire du filtre horaire

   else return(false);

  . . .  you can also use local variables in the function instead of globally declared variables.

You could do this . . .

ok! thank you :)

and last question, in the EA i wrote :

Do i have to call the function fTradeAllowed before if (TradeAllowed)... or is it useless ?
You have to call the function,  it sets the value of  TradeAllowed . . .  the way the function is currently written is not very logical and it makes no use of returning it's type.
You have to call the function,  it sets the value of  TradeAllowed . . .  the way the function is currently written is not very logical and it makes no use of returning it's type.

ok thank you :)