no download available?

I'm new to MQL4 and want to learn to write my own EA. I want to download the book that is on this site: but the download is no longer available. Can that be made available somehow?

Let me know if this does-not work for you. Perhaps you could find an alternate source online somewhere.


When I save it and try to open I get this... I tried a different browser as well but got the same result. Is there an alternate way?


When I save it and try to open I get this... I tried a different browser as well but got the same result. Is there an alternate way?

Try these:

Sorry I cannot find a pdf version of the book. There's a pdf version of the Quick Reference above. The rest of the Links is about how to unblock the book. Hope it solves your problem. If not let me know, perhaps you could learn from other books/manuals like coderGuru's manual.

I can't believe that NONE of these documents open. I copied/pasted everything into a WORD document but now found out that the pages don't even have numbers. Very valuable information but poor poor execution!
I can't believe that NONE of these documents open. I copied/pasted everything into a WORD document but now found out that the pages don't even have numbers. Very valuable information but poor poor execution!

If you have winrar you can download it from this link

you need to log in on the forum 3e message i post it