Please help me


Please help me.I am not a programmer. I really need help in building a strategic AE in my three consecutive candles.

signal began to appear two (H1) candles in opposite directions. at least the second candle opening price equal to the closing price.

Case 1: If the first candle down, second candle up, open purchase order in the next candle. when the price over the closing price of the candle first 50Pip. stop loss is the lowest price of the second candle. Take profit1500Pip.

Command to continue when the closing price is higher than the opening price of the candle later. close order when the closing price is lower than the opening price of a candle in the back.

raise the stop loss on the purchase price at the end of the 3rd candle. .

Case 2: If the first candle rose, second candle down, placed an order to sell at the next candle, when the price is lower than the closing price of the candle first 50pip. Stop loss is the lowest price of the second candle. Take profit1500Pip.

command to continue when the closing price of the next candle is lower than its opening price. Close order when the closing price is equal to or higher than the open price of a candle in the back.

Lower stop loss on the opening price when the 3rd candle end.

thank programming experts. I wait for the answer of all!

sorry for my english is poor!

This forum is about helping people who are learing to code in MLQ.
angel2012: Please help me.I am not a programmer. I really need help in building a strategic AE ...
Since there are no slaves here, there are only two choices: learn to code or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you. We are willing to HELP you.
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so please help me to set the initial parameters.I will try to build an EA and sending them to you.This is a strategy that I think it's simple to program.I have a few really good strategy and transaction testing on real account, it gave very good results.grace and knowledge sharing is successful for all.thank you very much!


First problem in definition of the system - "Second candle opening price equal to the close price"

1) Close price of what?
2) How many points can the Opening price and the close price differ by as Price values are rarely equal?

Again similar problems in understanding precise definiton with the phrase "when the price over the closing price of the candle first 50Pip. stop loss is the lowest price of the second candle."

First phrase your system in terms of IF this and this ... then Action

The coding after you have a precise definition shuold be easy