Downloading Specific Range of History Data

Hi i want to download specific range of history for mt4 an example just the 15.08.2012 as 1 min instead of whole history

then i can export the file as cvs from mt4 to excel how to do this ? will i always have to do everything startover to end

thanks best regards

I think that what you are asking is not possible. Data is usually stored in a file and frequently compressed to save space. However you can use the backtester to test only a range of dates.


this is the problem so i think i couldnt be clear may images below can explain what was i want excatly

so i dont want to ton of datas like this from history to csv just limited range of data which is i wish ane exmple just the 01.05.2012 to 30.05.2012 or something like that to to use this in my project

is there a way to do either with mt4 or without

thanks best regars....


this is the problem so i think i couldnt be clear may images below can explain what was i want excatly

so i dont want to ton of datas like this from history to csv just limited range of data which is i wish ane exmple just the 01.05.2012 to 30.05.2012 or something like that to to use this in my project

is there a way to do either with mt4 or without

thanks best regars....

Open the file in a decent editor such as EmEditor then you can get rid of what you don't want and keep what you want . . then open it in Excel.

well i open the data csv with emeditor but couldnt find how to filter lines of data which is range of you want or open em with excel without taking other lines of datas in shortest path

iknow i asking too much but you will take my pray if you solve :)

i couldnt find a short way to getting that damn datas so as you know there is limited softwares to open a text file which is contain 4.000.000 line of data

thanks best regards


well i open the data csv with emeditor but couldnt find how to filter lines of data which is range of you want or open em with excel without taking other lines of datas in shortest path

iknow i asking too much but you will take my pray if you solve :)

i couldnt find a short way to getting that damn datas so as you know there is limited softwares to open a text file which is contain 4.000.000 line of data

thanks best regards

I have opened GB files with EmEditor with no issues . . you just need to find the data you want and delete the rest . . . you can search on the date if that helps.

thanks for answer but i can delete the rest of data also with windows 7's notepad in manual way its take to much time. whats the point, why should i use emeditor if not exist any plus or short way or if exist how to do

i hope i could explain straight


thanks for answer but i can delete the rest of data also with windows 7's notepad in manual way its take to much time. whats the point, why should i use emeditor if not exist any plus or short way or if exist how to do

i hope i could explain straight

If you can do it in Notepad then do it in Notepad and be happy.
The short way would be to bypass history center controls by writing a script to pull the OCHLV from the chart for the dates you want, to write them to a text file in csv format.
If you can do it in Notepad then do it in Notepad and be happy.

i dont remember i said notpad makes me happy ? read again the article
The short way would be to bypass history center controls by writing a script to pull the OCHLV from the chart for the dates you want, to write them to a text file in csv format.

thanks for idea

best regards