somebody help me ~~

how to trade on certain time ?
extern int    RunningHour      = 0800;
extern int    StopRunHour      = 2300;
int init()
  if((Point == 0.0001) || (Point == 0.00001))
  if((TimeHour < RunningHour)&&(TimeHour > StopRunHour))



but it seem failure...

help plzz...


Please read the documentation before using code functions so that you understand their syntax and use.

Time functions

* edit -The code posted would not have compiled and that would be your first clue as to why its not working.

Im beginning to think you Ickyrus and albert_lim83 are the same person, you seem to help him/her alot, you never help me, 8((
Im beginning to think you Ickyrus and albert_lim83 are the same person, you seem to help him/her alot, you never help me, 8((

You wanted to know how to encode EA's and indicators and protect them with a view to selling?!. Yet you expect to get help for bad code for free - what would you do with someone like that?

You wanted to know how to encode EA's and indicators and protect them with a view to selling?!. Yet you expect to get help for bad code for free - what would you do with someone like that?

Ohh i see, you have made an assumption from reading my history, yes you are right partly, I have paid for coding yes, I expect nothing for free, this is the world over, that said, if you found the "holy grail" would you give it away? no is the answer, however, there are some who would never and there are some who would share for a nominal fee, where are you in this, you obviously know about programming, self taught? or did you pay, With regard to trading, I learnt the very hard way but i will give what i know for free, its a barbed wire fence, reason, you need lossers to create winners.

OK, I cannot code, I have ideas, infact the current idea and the code (EA) I have is producing results, I have to say though, me as a person would lift all boats who brought in the tide, unfortunatly, my raft is the only one rising, thanks to no-one else, ok so what about you, do you trade, etc.. whats your background, nothing intrusive, if you want to volunteer, Robbo

" Yet you expect to get help for bad code for free - what would you do with someone like that?"

The answer to above, To give up any (code) free help, would mean one thing, the receiver would suffer the consiquences of not passing on any goodwill of the contributor, your input would be appreciated Robbo

Also, the postings and wording sometimes or never, reflect the true soul of the poster, R


Please do not feed the troll.
When you respond, you give the troll power. When you ignore the troll, he starves for attention and eventually dies.

One can teach the facts about coding but in the end it comes down to imagination juggling the facts to get what you want. That is very difficult to teach. I realised this when the first thing I was taught was simple assignment A=B the value in box B is put into box A boxes can only hold one value at a time. What do you do to swap the values in Box A and Box B? It is at this point you need creative imagination to see the simple solution. You take statments that will ALWAYS do the same thing and there are only four types of statments as generally we don't have to deal with interupts in high level computer languages. They are Input, Output, Assignment, and Conditional (the if statement). It takes the imagination to think up ways of using these four types of operation to put them together to get rusults like Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Algorithms. - I can't teach Imagination only show techniques on how to debug imaginative logic that is not doing as wanted. Code does exactly what is was told to do not what you want it to do.

So what happens here is you learn the language and its syntax so you can speak to the computer then you try to instruct the computer using your imagination to do what you want it to. At the end its your money - not others - thats in the markets and a program that you understand doing as you told it too with no one to blame but yourself if it goes wrong.


You have lost me. pure and simple, you do not make sense, read my post and answer in English language, not meant to insult, but you are of another world, I have a great understanding of

A=3 x A B = 3 A+B= 30

Whats A's value?

ok, Im not being funny, but lodgic is not beyond us but the explantion somtimes is, R


A=3 x A

B = 3

A+B= 30

Anyhow guys, up at 4.30 to go to Sheffield tomorrow so nite, if you live there we could catch up personaly, or Rugby Monday, anyhow,nite, nite R

30-B (3)=27

