Auto Generated 'Permanent Trading Journal' of ALL conditions including EA & Indicator Settings and Trade outcomes?


I'd like to auto generate a COMPLETE and permanent trading journal that records ALL aspects of every trade, including indicator values and EA settings etc. This is distinct from MT4's journal and more akin to a traditional trading journal that one keeps a permanent records of all the information involved with EVERY trade.

I haven't been able to find anything like this on MQL4.Com or the web, though I would be very happy to find out that it already exists and that someone has a link to it or clues to finding it.

If not, what would be the best file format to keep it in that MT4 can generate and access that would also be the most flexible to work with once it exists? I can a Spread Sheet being a good format for the end product? Though I suspect that I would have to first save it as .csv file and then export that to and convert that to a Spread Sheet?

Suggestions on how to proceed and where to harvest all of the required info and data and where to harvest it from?

I'm not asking for someone to program this for me. I'm hoping that those much more experienced than myself can give me some suggestions and point me in the right direction.
Thanks for any and all assistance.

FourX: I'd like to ...
  1. Since there are no slaves here, there are only two choices: learn to code or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you. We are willing to HELP you.

If u read what it says HWR and not what u want it to mean, I state quite clearly that I'm NOT looking for anyone to code4 it. I'm looking for CONSTRUCTIVE input on things such as suggestions on:

Files structures and what would be the best and most likely candidate to utilize?

Data harvesting and the various sources to be sure to get everything.

How to manually add trading notes? Is this even possible within the context of MT4 itself?

A trading journal is a very often sited factor as being crucial for success. I'm sure many have many ideas on these.


If you want to do that, then fine DO SO.

But if you just want to spew more S*&! and vomit all over the place as nauseum, then either do it in the mirror or STFU!

If you have something worthwhile and positive that you want to add and contribute, then I welcome it. EVEN from you in spite of your now incessant ignorant and stupid insults aimed at me.

So stop using this place to make childish, immature insults and character assassinations.

If you need to indulge in this kind of ignorant and destructive behavior and can't help or stop yourself, then find a suitable place to do it, which is NOT HERE!

Who made you the sole and individual authority as the police, judge, jury and hangman here? You certainly aren't showing the you have the proper attributes to qualify you for being ONE of the members of any of the above.

Stop acting like a bloody fool and idiot. Which every time you succumb to your lame, baser, immature character traits like this, you are only proving that YOU are the moronic idiot and troll. Frankly your even giving trolls a bad name!

Sheesh. Enough already. Your opinion and oh so helpful input is only TO WELL known. EVERYONE is sick of it!

Get a bloody life and get out of mine!

Get a life and get out of mine!

Heres code taken from the codebase program TradeNewsEA. The code seeks the end of a file and writes the string to the file stamping it with the date and time.

int Write(string str)
   int handle;
   handle = FileOpen(filename,FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE|FILE_CSV,"/t");
   FileSeek(handle, 0, SEEK_END);      
   FileWrite(handle,str + " Time " + TimeToStr(CurTime(),TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS));

Heres code taken from the codebase program TradeNewsEA. The code seeks the end of a file and writes the string to the file stamping it with the date and time.

Hi Ickyrus,

I found this in the other thread that you posted for someone else wanting to keep a lot of trading records as well.

This is really to soon and premature for NuB like me to realistically undertake and complete this at this point in time. I need to build up a much better understanding of MQL4 so that I have a better foundation to work with. But I'll just keep adding building blocks to it as I come across relevant items.

But these are helpful tips that point a NuB like me in the right direction and adds a building block.

I'm interested in News Trading so was looking for the actual EA in the Code base but searches haven't turned it up yet.

So Thanks (< 8)

You are the thief and troll. Get a bloody life and get out of mine!

Ahhh... Poor lil PATHETIC troll.


What a tortured existence you must lead.

But then perhaps not? It seems very likely that you are neither among the Living nor the Dead