Codebase :-( x 2


Why is it taking this long for moderators to add our products to the codebase? In the past two weeks ive been observing and only one person/company's codes are being added to the codebase. Is their something going on that we dont know about or some moderator received some gift.


Why is it taking this long for moderators to add our products to the codebase? In the past two weeks ive been observing and only one person/company's codes are being added to the codebase. Is their something going on that we dont know about or some moderator received some gift.

As I have already told you the Moderators cannot add code to the codebase . . . it's only done by Metaquotes. So you need to ask Metaquotes directly . . log into the MQL5 Fourm, go to your profile go to Service Desk and ask there . . .

Yer i know im speaking of the moderator for codebase.

So you are being a troll again. Speaking to someone that can not do anything about it.
tonny: Is a troll and spammer and spammer and spammer and spammer
Please do not feed the troll.

When you respond, you give the troll power. When you ignore the troll, he starves for attention and eventually dies.
roeder quit being childish calling people names you wont find teletubies here
The codebase is not for products. Is for free code!
The codebase is not for products. Is for free code!

I've been thinking about that, do MQ only publish codes that is not direct conflict with those in market ?.

@tonny, funny you start this thread and less than 3 hours later 2 of your codes showed up ... one with your little ad.

thats not an add its a link to the detailed documentation