Is there anything of string type which is similar to global variable ?


Excuse me,

I am dealing with global variables and met a problem.

I need something similar to global variable, but I want it to be string type.

As we know, the global variable could only be numeric.

Thank you so much!


Excuse me,

I am dealing with global variables and met a problem.

I need something similar to global variable, but I want it to be string type.

As we know, the global variable could only be numeric.

Thank you so much!

Hi blackkettle,

Use script with show input property and writes to a file. The other app (EA, CI, Script) read from that file.



Hi blackkettle,

Use script with show input property and writes to a file. The other app (EA, CI, Script) read from that file.



Thank you very much for your reply.

Do you mean that we could store the variable name and its value to a txt file. We could modify, get, delete its value and its name from the file at anytime necessary?

Could you please give me an example?

Thank you so much!



Thank you very much for your reply.

Do you mean that we could store the variable name and its value to a txt file. We could modify, get, delete its value and its name from the file at anytime necessary?

Could you please give me an example?

Thank you so much!

Hi blackkettle,

Play (read: experimenting) this script, ask later


#property show_inputs

extern string String = "Wow";
extern bool   Bool = true;
extern int    Int=-1;
extern double Double=2.0;

//|                                                                  |
int start()

  //--- write file ny deleting the previous file
  int handle = FileOpen ("Folder/"+WindowExpertName()+".txt", FILE_CSV|FILE_WRITE);
  if (handle > 0)
    FileWrite (handle, String, Bool, Int, Double);
    FileClose (handle);
    Alert ("Writing file is done");

  //--- read the file
  string Read_String;
  bool   Read_Bool;
  int    Read_Int;
  double Read_Double;

  handle = FileOpen ("Folder/"+WindowExpertName()+".txt", FILE_CSV|FILE_READ);
  if (handle > 0)
    while (FileIsEnding (handle) == false)
      Read_String  = FileReadString (handle);
      Read_Bool    = StrToDouble(FileReadString (handle)); //convert string ...
      Read_Int     = StrToDouble(FileReadString (handle)); // ...
      Read_Double  = StrToDouble(FileReadString (handle)); //... number :)
      string dummy = FileReadString (handle);              // somehow anyhow this line is needed
    FileClose (handle); 
  //--- show 'em
  Alert ("Str ",Read_String,", Bool ",Read_Bool,", Int ",Read_Int,", Double ",Read_Double);


Excuse me,

I am dealing with global variables and met a problem.

I need something similar to global variable, but I want it to be string type.

If you only need to save a few specific instances of strings, for example, specific error messages, you can save an integer to represent each error message.

Hi blackkettle,

Play (read: experimenting) this script, ask later



Thank you very much for your help.

I am investigating and will ask you later.
