A consistent EA that I can start to study ?


Hello guys. Since it's plenty of code and I am still a newbie with mql4 I thought to ask you an advice based on your experience.

I am spending hours to study market and MT4 and I would like to have a little satisfaction to build a robot that works a make a decent ROI at the end of the year (I am not the only one LOL)

In your experience is a possible task ? I can see that any single EA, at least commercial EAs, are fakes since most of the statements are manipulated.

I am wondering if there is any open source EA that is consistent and I can study it to improve my learning in mql4.

Basically my two main goals are:

Find a profitable EA that I can study (open code)

Learn from a good system the structure of a good piece of software.

Thank you all.


Hello guys. Since it's plenty of code and I am still a newbie with mql4 I thought to ask you an advice based on your experience.

I am spending hours to study market and MT4 and I would like to have a little satisfaction to build a robot that works a make a decent ROI at the end of the year (I am not the only one LOL)

In your experience is a possible task ? I can see that any single EA, at least commercial EAs, are fakes since most of the statements are manipulated.

I am wondering if there is any open source EA that is consistent and I can study it to improve my learning in mql4.

Basically my two main goals are:

Find a profitable EA that I can study (open code)

Learn from a good system the structure of a good piece of software.

Thank you all.

Hi zen4x,

I don't think there are anyone will ever want to share his/her consistent EA. I mean, they rightly say,"Why would I do that for ?". So it's looks like your only choice is what you have right now, there's plenty EA in code base. Why don't you filter out those bad trades and when you are succeed - you will have a consistent EA. Studying bad trades is equal with studying the good one.

Is that fair enough ? coz that we have right now.


What would you define as a "consistent EA"?