a question for the moderators ....


In the third week of testing is the code. When his check??

На проверке третью неделю лежит код. Когда его проверят ????

I also have a couple of updates still pending approval for about 2 weeks now whats up with this moderator i thought metaquotes is a big company now you wait two weeks and after that you find only three new codes added to codebase. They should put the codebase on autopilot.
I also have a couple of updates still pending approval for about 2 weeks now whats up with this moderator i thought metaquotes is a big company now you wait two weeks and after that you find only three new codes added to codebase. They should put the codebase on autopilot.

dream on autopilot code base....

and getting a lot of garbage

maybe the moderator has his holiday this moment sometimes i need it too


Ah, thanks tonny, it's code base publishing question.

Do you think that MQ prefer to publish MQL5 codes ?

Do you think that this work if we publish the MQL5 and on its comment we also attach the MQL4 and say "Hi this is the MQL4 equivalent" ?

Oh, here's in idea. The author can also post the code here in the forum. I know its not the same as having it within the code-base but at least you get to share sooner. I mean whats not to love about that idea, you get the benefit of helpful comments from your fellow developers.. etc. Think about it . . . we're the ones [here] who get to hear you guys complaints, and we really do care, not like the masses of un-known people in mt4-land who may download your work and not even know the struggles you endured getting it there.

I dont think mql5 is complete yet because now and then they introduce new updates that change mt5 with a very huge difference from the previous it should not be called mql5 but mql5 "beta". Besides the reason brokers are slow on introducing live mt5 accounts and those who have still promise to never do away with mt4 accounts is because it is a very unfavourable trading tool and is incompatible with many current trading techniques ill give examples:

1.) You cant open two trades in opposite directions on one pair

2.) You cant open more than one trades of one pair in the same direction with different stops

Metaquotes should really look into this because just the above two have a major effect on modern forex trading in that:

1.) Those using services like now cant add different providers on one account or providers who open more than one trades on a pair with different stops wont have the exact same happen in the client account

2.) Incompatible with mirror trader too with reasons same as above

3.) Multi strategy EAs and traders are doomed

4.) No possibility of running multiple EAs on one pair as there will be conflict

All the above shows clearly that mt5 though developer friendly it is largely not trader friendly.


@ubzen, ... It won't show on MetaEditor all over the world and in will be bumped down in the forum eventually ;)

@tonny, I agree with ya 100 %

tonny, I don't wanna take the glory from you, so would you post that on MQL5 ?


... It won't show on MetaEditor and get bumped down eventually ;)

Yep, even more reason to put the forum first, ;) Wait whose side are u on lol. We're a tight knit family here with a common goal. Another couple of reasons are that we get to marvel at your coding structures, problem solving ability and genius. [wow]. Not to mention, if the codes do turn out profitable, you could go down immortalized as the guy who de-coded the market and discovered the holy-grail of trading. Who knows, you might even get the Nobel Peace Prize for Economics. <--This is worth more than any money the world over.


Yep, even more reason to put the forum first, ;) Wait whose side are u on lol. We're a tight knit family here with a common goal. Another couple of reasons are that we get to marvel at your coding structures, problem solving ability and genius. [wow]. Not to mention, if the codes do turn out profitable, you could go down immortalized as the guy who de-coded the market and discovered the holy-grail of trading. Who knows, you might even get the Nobel Peace Prize for Economics. <--This is worth more than any money the world over.

Our side of course. Like you said, " I know its not the same as having it within the code-base but at least you get to share sooner ", you emphasize on quick publishing, but I think that there's a lack of popularity by publishing in the forum. That's all.
Our side of course. Like you said, " I know its not the same as having it within the code-base but at least you get to share sooner ", you emphasize on quick publishing, but I think that there's a lack of popularity by publishing in the forum. That's all.

Yeah I'm aware of the benefits of getting your code to the masses with your little "url" in there ;). But it was just a taught (I mean one of the benefits is for the love of sharing right). So... can't hurt to paste it in here. I know we can be a little judgmental at times but thats how families are sometimes.

Anyways, I'm mostly in a good mood and have a teasing under-tune. So it's all good either way.

As far as the mql5 stuff, yea I agree but I'm just tired of that topic. It's a capitalistic society and mq will do what ever is within her best financial interest. As long as they keep giving me free software and remain the de-facto I really don't care. + i think this is the wrong topic for that.

Oh, here's in idea. The author can also post the code here in the forum. I know its not the same as having it within the code-base but at least you get to share sooner. I mean whats not to love about that idea, you get the benefit of helpful comments from your fellow developers.. etc. Think about it . . . we're the ones [here] who get to hear you guys complaints, and we really do care, not like the masses of un-known people in mt4-land who may download your work and not even know the struggles you endured getting it there.
You do that some people will secretly email moderators like spiderman and tell them to ban you or warn you not to advertise.