Capturing values from Data Window



I want to use some values from the Data Window. Rather than wast resources recalculating EMAs, I want to

pull the EMA value directly from the Data Window, on a Tick basis.






I want to use some values from the Data Window. Rather than wast resources recalculating EMAs, I want to

pull the EMA value directly from the Data Window, on a Tick basis.




What are you doing now to get that value ??


Possible? With Mql4 No. Perhaps with WinApi.

Rather than wast resources recalculating EMA. Use This. Call via This.


Hi MerlinBrasil,

Yes it's possible using WinAPI, just look for syslistview at MSDN.

Your cursor must always stay at the correct bar - for example bar 0 so you can't move or use your mouse cursor when doing this. To put your cursor on bar 0 you must get the X,Y pixel coordinates of bar 0 which mean you must convert X, Y pixel to Time,Price equivalent, better not re-size, re-zoom, that chart window, and make sure when there's new bar, that chart is not move automatically to the right. And the chart must be an active one - so this can only be done one chart at a time - and you can't use any other program. To get data from Data Window, you must get it's Handle. To do that, get MT4 Handle and in a loop look for its child window with title Data Window, you have to activate the Data Window first. After that, you browse trough the list in syslistview's Data Window, and find your EMA and then constantly check that syslistview's Data Window in a loop, for example every 100ms, so you're not missing any tick, especially for fractional pips broker and/or between start of London to end of New York hours, and that surely will cost you processor usage.

Overall it's much faster using iMA coz its hard coded into MT4, or create tick CI based on your EMA

You just looking for trouble doing unnecessary like this. LOL



Hi MerlinBrasil,

Yes it's possible using WinAPI, just look for syslistview at MSDN.

Your cursor must always stay at the correct bar - for example bar 0 so you can't move or use your mouse cursor when doing this. To put your cursor on bar 0 you must get the X,Y pixel coordinates of bar 0 which mean you must convert X, Y pixel to Time,Price equivalent, better not re-size, re-zoom, that chart window, and make sure when there's new bar, that chart is not move automatically to the right. And the chart must be an active one - so this can only be done one chart at a time - and you can't use any other program. To get data from Data Window, you must get it's Handle. To do that, get MT4 Handle and in a loop look for its child window with title Data Window, you have to activate the Data Window first. After that, you browse trough the list in syslistview's Data Window, and find your EMA and then constantly check that syslistview's Data Window in a loop, for example every 100ms, so you're not missing any tick, especially for fractional pips broker and/or between start of London to end of New York hours, and that surely will cost you processor usage.

Overall it's much faster using iMA coz its hard coded into MT4, or create tick CI based on your EMA

You just looking for trouble doing unnecessary like this. LOL


But how to have that way two different values ??

And work at a view different charts the same time...


Hi MerlinBrasil,

Yes it's possible using WinAPI, just look for syslistview at MSDN.

Your cursor must always stay at the correct bar - for example bar 0 so you can't move or use your mouse cursor when doing this. To put your cursor on bar 0 you must get the X,Y pixel coordinates of bar 0 which mean you must convert X, Y pixel to Time,Price equivalent, better not re-size, re-zoom, that chart window, and make sure when there's new bar, that chart is not move automatically to the right. And the chart must be an active one - so this can only be done one chart at a time - and you can't use any other program. To get data from Data Window, you must get it's Handle. To do that, get MT4 Handle and in a loop look for its child window with title Data Window, you have to activate the Data Window first. After that, you browse trough the list in syslistview's Data Window, and find your EMA and then constantly check that syslistview's Data Window in a loop, for example every 100ms, so you're not missing any tick, especially for fractional pips broker and/or between start of London to end of New York hours, and that surely will cost you processor usage.

Overall it's much faster using iMA coz its hard coded into MT4, or create tick CI based on your EMA

You just looking for trouble doing unnecessary like this. LOL


Thanks. iMA it is. Too much hassle, overhead, and room for error.

Appreciate all the responses, guys.

