Daily Highest value of an indicator - page 2


thank you deVries for your notice. .................

made correction
datetime yesterday = iTime(Symbol(),1440,1);

If you thank old topics how useful they might be then they come back in the top of the list i see unread topics....

for me there is no reason to read it again if the message is only thanks

new topics still activ come to places because of that to places more away from top of that list

If we all begin to thank every topic the help for activ topics will be less


made correction
datetime yesterday = iTime(Symbol(),1440,1);
Don't hard code numbers, make your code readable
datetime yesterday = iTime(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,1);

thank you for your response.

i test the above code from deVries and it gives the exact values what i describe as problem. I think you can customize it for your favorit indicators.

So anyhow ?

many thanksssssssssss