Windows Guru Please Read (FX Trading System)


Hi, well over a year ago I bought a FX trading system $400 + (manual Trading)

I believe it has strict filters thus the need to have at least 3, better with 4 time frames per currency pair.

in the example the guy shows you a window with 48 mircro windows open (12 currency pairs 4 time frames) with his system running, the idea is you setup and forget it, only taking note if it gives you an alarm,

then you switch to a new profile and trade the signals, then switch back to the micro windows profile.

the problem is that for some reason I cant get 48 windows with the trading system to run, I get up to 21 micro windows 7 currency pairs 3 time frames, and even then it's very sticky, to use, close to un-usable.

My PC system is Win 7 Ultimate, I have a Triple Core CPU, 3 Gig Ram, Radeon 6770 graphics card (runs 3 monitors)

When I ctr alt delete Task-Manager (tab) Processes I see I am at 33% always with the FX system running it will drop away to 14% not often, but this will alow you to highlight or click on a function in the FX tading system, and it will do what you asked for about a second or so, then it will go back to 33% and stay there.

I also notice it's taking up 100+ k in memory if I use more micro windows,

cpu stays constant at 33%, if I reduce micro windows to 21, memory use is down to 52,233 + - however the CPU is constant at 33%

nothing else in my PC is slow, I can run other charts with no slow down at all, browse, listen to music, it's just this one program.

Have been told that perhaps the answer/cause is that it was written for a single core fast cpu, based on the 33% cpu readings, and nothing else slowing down, it does make a little sense.

Question and I think this will need some pretty sharp person to answer, any Idea's what I can do

I imagine if I could get windows to spread the load around the whole triple core cpu, is that possible ? remember please I am not even sure if that is in deed the cause.

Suggested, I spread the load, i.e use 2 or 3 accounts equal amount of micro windows, unsure if this would work, also I might have a problem with license numbers which I need to run the software

In the FX software and what I have gotten from it, even at less than half it's potential is pretty good, so I feel it's well worth the effort to correct or solve this problem,

The FX Trading System support guys, have tried there best.

If someone could genuinely come up with a solution, this would be great, and I don't expect anything for nothing, nor am I daft.

Thank You


If you paid $400 for a product and it can't do what it said it can and your system meets it's system requirement then you need either a refund or technical support from the supplier.
If you paid $400 for a product and it can't do what it said it can and your system meets it's system requirement then you need either a refund or technical support from the supplier.

Good point, but not the issue, I would really like the software to work, my money is on, " software written for single core cpu " however I have been known to be wrong, :(

if however I am correct, can windows be directed to use the triple core for the software ?

Thanx for your Input


The software in this case is MT4 ? the number of cores is irrelevant . . . how do you expect anyone here to be in a better position to help you than the people you paid $400 and who wrote the system you are trying to use ?
The software in this case is MT4 ? the number of cores is irrelevant . . . how do you expect anyone here to be in a better position to help you than the people you paid $400 and who wrote the system you are trying to use ?

Should I apologise ?, I'm sorry, ok, it's a question I placed on the forum, perhaps I was out of order, it sounds like it,

my expectations in this matter was flawed.

I want to thank you for correcting me,


Should I apologise ?

I don't think so . . . it just seems strange that you don't seem to want to ask the people that you paid $400 to for technical support.
I don't think so . . . it just seems strange that you don't seem to want to ask the people that you paid $400 to for technical support.

I feel I have to clarify,

I bought the software over a year ago, it never worked as it should have, I tried it on and off over the year, and never got by the what I have described in my 1st message.

I did contact the the developers and they in deed send me a new and improved version, it was exactly the same :(

I could have kicked up hell, but when I did run the software even when it was running only 21 micro windows the result were pretty good,

I then put it aside for awhile, and would haul it out again, and mess around with it,

I placed this question on the forum hoping that someone who has experience in scripts/programing could give me some insight to how why or how-to get it up and running correctly, I thought this because I notice guys writing scripts for indicators as well as stand-alone trading systems,

and like the linux community attitude they like to share there developments, it was a shot to nothing.

I think I was a little abrupt in my 2nd answer " Good point, but not the issue " and I apologise


If I may interject, while this is not directly related to your problem, generally speaking there is no commercial EA on the planet that is profitable, period. So if I were you I would stop wasting my time (and get that refund if you still can!).

No one who develops an EA that can actually make a lot of money would sell it for any price! Would you sell a chicken that laid you golden eggs? Of course not.

I know this is going to be a loaded statement, but the commercial EA business is for the most part one big SCAM. Selling people dreams rather than anything that could actually make any real money. At best you can expect an EA which performs a certain function which can *assist* you in your manual trading, providing you know what you're doing in the first place and have a sound trading strategy.

No fully automated *profitable* commercial system exists on the planet earth.

If you want a truly profitable fully automated EA and you know how to make one, your only option is to learn MQL4 and build it yourself! :)

Please don't misunderstand, this post is by no means meant to discourage you! Rather, to give you some realistic expectations regarding commercial EA's and to stop you from wasting your time and money on them!

Even if you were somehow able to make your EA work, the possibility of it actually making you any money is practically nonexistent I'm sorry to say!

Good Luck!


If I may interject, while this is not directly related to your problem, generally speaking there is no commercial EA on the planet that is profitable, period.

The OP said this . . . " Hi, well over a year ago I bought a FX trading system $400 + (manual Trading) "

I don't think it's an EA.

Well I'm guessing what he meant by that was an EA which gives signals for manual confirmation... maybe I was wrong!
Well I'm guessing what he meant by that was an EA which gives signals for manual confirmation... maybe I was wrong!
Could be an indicator that gives an Alert or several . .