Brokers blaming MetaQuotes - page 3

Is it usual that some brokers blame MetaQuotes saying that there are MT5 failures when the reality may be that are brokers themselves who manipulate their customers' operations? What can traders do in these situations?
Passing the "buck", the "blame" is as old as human kind. But electronic systems can, and do fail, at least sometimes, and fortunately it is temporary. Consider what happens to the exchanges with runaway HFTs. They have shut them down for as long as a day. Even The S.E.C. has put a rule in place, or is working on it. Shut down runaway trading algorithms, shut down the exchange, find the problem, then bring them back online. Avoid market crashing. The question is, who gets compensated for the failed trades, the customer, the broker, all parties involved..Who? You can bet the big brokers and financial firms with money are taken care of, the exchanges will take the hit. The small customer loses most times. They are not as important as the big firms, to the exchanges. Same with your broker, if you have big money with the broker, you are more important than the small balance customer. That is just the way it is. You can still make money.Think of it this way. A broker who has a hundred thousand customers can not and will not target just one. They do not have the time. They will not target all, for fear of losing too much. They do have the responsibility to deliver timely price quotes, and order execution. If they are not doing so, they could be sued, fined, bad rep...ect.. Part of a trading strategy must account for potential manipulation, slippage, system failures, ect.. I read litigation: A doctor invested in Forex, the broker did not fill orders in a live account, like the demo account did. The doctor sued, and got $30M, all trades, and profit as well as punitive damages from the broker. He recorded and documented everything, to build his case. That was a small loss to the broker.
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Trade Constants / Order Properties
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Trade Constants / Order Properties
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Trade Constants / Order Properties - Documentation on MQL5