How to calculate lots in percentage - page 2

I didnt know this would be so hard just a way to get $100 to 0.01 in EURUSD what do i divide it with in a way that would work with different leverages without altering it. ok say 10% of my $1000 balance is $100 then get it in units which i guess would be 10,000 which is 0.1 of standard lot right(10000/100000) which we store in a variable "double The_lot=0.1" then we open trade OrderSend(...,...,The_lot,...,...,...). Its ok if the script is for EURUSD only i understand the other currencies would complement things.
I didnt know this would be so hard just a way to get $100 to 0.01 in EURUSD what do i divide it with in a way that would work with different leverages without altering it. ok say 10% of my $1000 balance is $100 then get it in units which i guess would be 10,000 which is 0.1 of standard lot right(10000/100000) which we store in a variable "double The_lot=0.1" then we open trade OrderSend(...,...,The_lot,...,...,...). Its ok if the script is for EURUSD only i understand the other currencies would complement things.

1. Do not guessing with your money.

2. How much is the cost to open 0.1 lot ?. Multiply 0.1 with MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MARGINREQUIRED). How much lot a $100 can buy ?. Divide $100 with MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MARGINREQUIRED).

3. Always calculate the stop loss, because this is the loss of your money.

Why don't you test it with other currencies as well. It's all the same.

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The reason I said that, was because I did not calculate any Swaps, AccountStopoutLevel (), AccountStopoutMode(), because that will involve more calculation.

Here, this is an example on how to calculate the price 1 lot of EURUSD. For example the current price EURUSD is 1.23456, leverage is 500, so the price of 1 standard lot of EURUSD is (1.23456 * 100.000)/500 which is the same with MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MARGINREQUIRED).

Just open 1 lot of EURUSD and see it your self.

Hi, when you say tha leverage is 500 you mean leverage 1:500 ?

heelflip43 #:

How you trade is entirely up to you, if your comfortable with 10% being open then trade with 10%. Personally I would go for the $100 maximum loss rather than $100 margin but the one you want is the first one: amount/MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MARGININIT). And you would want to use AccountBalance()

Try that.

why use OP_BUY? Does it mean it won't calculate the shorts positions?
onewithzachy #:

Compiled, not tested not checked, take your own risk, use wisely.

How can I install this, please help me
Thank you