How to calculate lots in percentage

Hi i would like to calculate lots such that if say account balance is $1000 to open trades with $100 in other words 10% and when the balance grows to $2000 to open trades with $200. This is some sort of incremental system that should maintain lot size of new trades at 10% of balance. How do i go about it its nowhere in mql4 book.

What do mean by this? $100 trade being how much margin is used or your maximum loss?

If it's margin then use amount/MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MARGININIT). If it's maximum loss then amount/(stoploss distance * MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKVALUE)).

The $100 would be trade size if say leverage is 1:100 then lot size 0.1 if my balance is $1000 even if there is another open trade and free margin is $900 as long as the balance is $1000 i want it to open 10% of this. If this system is unsafe let me know.

How you trade is entirely up to you, if your comfortable with 10% being open then trade with 10%. Personally I would go for the $100 maximum loss rather than $100 margin but the one you want is the first one: amount/MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MARGININIT). And you would want to use AccountBalance()

double lots = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT),money=AccountBalance()*(10/100);
if(AccountFreeMarginCheck(Symbol(),OP_BUY, (money/MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MARGININIT)))>0){
lots =(money/MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MARGININIT));
}else if(AccountFreeMarginCheck(Symbol(),OP_BUY, lots)<0){
Print("Not enough margin to open even the smallest size lot");

Try that.

Ill try it thanks alot
Journal gives error "zero divide"
Hi i would like to calculate lots such that if say account balance is $1000 to open trades with $100 in other words 10% and when the balance grows to $2000 to open trades with $200. This is some sort of incremental system that should maintain lot size of new trades at 10% of balance. How do i go about it its nowhere in mql4 book.

Compiled, not tested not checked, take your own risk, use wisely.

double Last_Account_Balance, Money_Use_To_Trade, Value_Per_Point, SL,
       Loss_By_SL, Lot;

int start()
  if (AccountBalance() >= 1000 + Last_Account_Balance)
    Last_Account_Balance = AccountBalance();  // starting balance to trade

  if (AccountBalance() < Last_Account_Balance)
    //--- account protection
    Print ("Your balance is lower than the last one.");
    if (Last_Account_Balance > 0)
      Money_Use_To_Trade = 10/100 * Last_Account_Balance;
      //--- calculating loss
      Value_Per_Point = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKVALUE) / (MarketInfo (Symbol(), MODE_TICKSIZE)/ Point);    
      if (SL  <= 0) SL = 100;
      Loss_By_SL = SL * Value_Per_Point;
      Lot = NormalizeDouble(Money_Use_To_Trade / (Loss_By_SL+ MarketInfo (Symbol(), MODE_MARGINREQUIRED)), 2);
      if (Lot < MarketInfo (Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT))
         Print ("You can\'t afford to open the smallest lot.");
         Lot -= MarketInfo (Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT);
         int size_lot;
         if (Lot >= MarketInfo (Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP))
            size_lot = Lot / MarketInfo (Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP);
         Lot = MarketInfo (Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT)+(size_lot* MarketInfo (Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP));
      if (Lot > MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT))
         Lot = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT);
I use EURUSD and this is the pair im interested in
Hi i would like to calculate lots such that if say account balance is $1000 to open trades with $100 in other words 10% and when the balance grows to $2000 to open trades with $200. This is some sort of incremental system that should maintain lot size of new trades at 10% of balance. How do i go about it its nowhere in mql4 book.
Contract Size - MQL4 forum

Compiled, not tested not checked, take your own risk, use wisely.

The reason I said that, was because I did not calculate any Swaps, AccountStopoutLevel (), AccountStopoutMode(), because that will involve more calculation.

Here, this is an example on how to calculate the price 1 lot of EURUSD. For example the current price EURUSD is 1.23456, leverage is 500, so the price of 1 standard lot of EURUSD is (1.23456 * 100.000)/500 which is the same with MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MARGINREQUIRED).

Just open 1 lot of EURUSD and see it your self.


The reason I said that, was because I did not calculate any Swaps, AccountStopoutLevel (), AccountStopoutMode(), because that will involve more calculation.

Here, this is an example on how to calculate the price 1 lot of EURUSD. For example the current price EURUSD is 1.23456, leverage is 500, so the price of 1 standard lot of EURUSD is (1.23456 * 100.000)/500 which is the same with MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MARGINREQUIRED).

Just open 1 lot of EURUSD and see it your self.

Ok ill check it out and reply