Before posting please read some of the other threads . . . then you would have seen numerous requests like this one:
Please use this to post code . . . it makes it easier to read.You have a few issues/misconceptions . . . .
double sl; double tp; int dig = Digits; sl = NormalizeDouble(Bid-Stoploss*Points,Digits); tp = NormalizeDouble(Ask+TakeProfit*Points,Digits); str_sl = DoubleToStr(sl,Digits); // bad idea . . . str_tp = DoubleToStr(tp,Digits); // bad idea . . . OrderModify(order_no,0, str_sl,str_tp, 0,Green); // OrderModify takes doubles for the SL & TP NOT strings if I add the following in... Print("sl: ",StrToDouble(str_sl)," - tp: ",StrToDouble(str_tp)," - digits: ",dig); // why convert a double to s str then convert a str back to a double ? ? ... it prints... EURUSD,M15: sl: 1.3193 - tp: 1.3199 - digits: 5
Read the documentation for OrderModify() ( <-- click ! ! ) TP & SL are doubles . . . double stoploss, double takeprofit why are you using strings ?
Also in your OrderModify you are trying to use 0 for the Order Price . . . why not just give it OrderOpenPrice() ?
Finally, the reason that Print prints the double values with 4 digits is because that is what it does . . . read the Documentation . . . Print() "Data of double type are printed with 4 decimal digits after point. To output more precisely, use the DoubleToStr() function."
Thanks for your reply...
I found the problem and it had nothing to do with the decimals. My bad...
I was using the wrong calcs when working the sl and tp out.

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Hi All
Please help if you can :)
This code causes the server to return error 130 for the OrderModify command:
tp = NormalizeDouble(Ask+TakeProfit*Points,Digits);
str_sl = DoubleToStr(sl,Digits);
str_tp = DoubleToStr(tp,Digits);
if I add the following in...
Print("sl: ",StrToDouble(str_sl)," - tp: ",StrToDouble(str_tp)," - digits: ",dig);
... it prints...
EURUSD,M15: sl: 1.3193 - tp: 1.3199 - digits: 5
From this I can see that the OrderModify is trying to use a sl with only 4 didits after the ".", where the order was opened at 1.31946 (5 digits after the ".").
I have tried everything I can think of to get the sl and tp to normalize correctly with 5 didits after the ".", but nothing I do works.
Any suggestions are welcome :)