EA Encryption ! How ?


In these circumstances:

1> You want to give your favorite EA to a friend but don't want to lose copyright.

2> Professional Traders sell EA programs to end-users

3> Professional brokers trade on client 's account with his own EA, due to a contract.

How can the EA owner protect his copyright ?

Thanks for your knowledge sharing


In these circumstances:

1> You want to give your favorite EA to a friend but don't want to lose copyright.

You don't lose the copyright. What makes you think you would you lose the copyright? Copyright cannot be lost.

How can the EA owner protect his copyright ?

The law is protecting your rights. Sue the one who violates it.


In these circumstances:

1> You want to give your favorite EA to a friend but don't want to lose copyright.

2> Professional Traders sell EA programs to end-users

3> Professional brokers trade on client 's account with his own EA, due to a contract.

How can the EA owner protect his copyright ?

Thanks for your knowledge sharing

1-2]. Good luck, you still have the copyright but that doesn't stop anyone de-compile and making copy of your EA

3. What do you mean by # 3 ("Professional brokers trade on client 's account with his own EA, due to a contract."). Professional brokers are not allowed to trade on client accounts.

Hard coded your EA into dll, including but not limited to AccountName, AccountNumber, AccountCompany, etc.

You don't lose the copyright. What makes you think you would you lose the copyright? Copyright cannot be lost.

Assume your job is: coding and selling your EA.

I buy from you an EA in mq4 format. Then I share the file onto public sites.

So web citizens can download and use the EA with no fee. It means you are no longer able to sell your EA.

Is there an encryption type of EAs written in MQ4, that can be run in MQ4 but can not read by the MQ4 EA editor ?

"Copy right" mean the right to control who can use your product,

not only the name of the person who had created it, which I don't care much about.


"Copy right" mean the right to control who can use your product,

Exactly. You alone have this right, nobody else. Nobody can take away this right from you. And additionally you have the right to sue anybody who is violating it.

Some copyright owners of other popular stuff are even able to earn more money through lawsuits against copyright violators than by directly selling the product themselves. Think about it.


Some people won't care care about your rights.....

You can have the law protecting your rights...

But still there are and always will be people who don't care those law rules

The law is protecting your rights. Sue the one who violates it.

Beautiful but is it worth to you to find out who is violating your rights

if it is done by a unknown person what will you do then....

You can't fight everyone...

First find out if your program is commercial good enough to bring it out on the markt

And what costs will you make for doing that....

We not all make a FapTurbo product.

And the first thing i think have you already made one good running product ?

You trade yourself long enough with enough results to show that the program is excellent ...

So if you don't trust your friend but you wanna let him trade like you

Maybe you can work like a signal provider place your EA on an account that can be followed by others....

Hi, check for "Guardian" and "MqlLock" from google as product. They do offer such protections

In the United States, it is not enough to say that a particular work or program is copyrighted. You must fully complete the copyright registration process, as defined in Title 17 of the Untied States Code (for example, Chapter 4). In fact, 17 U.S.C. Section 411 states:

§411. Registration and civil infringement actions

(a) Except for an action brought for a violation of the rights of the author under section 106A(a), and subject to the provisions of subsection (b),1 no civil action for infringement of the copyright in any United States work shall be instituted until preregistration or registration of the copyright claim has been made in accordance with this title. In any case, however, where the deposit, application, and fee required for registration have been delivered to the Copyright Office in proper form and registration has been refused, the applicant is entitled to institute a civil action for infringement if notice thereof, with a copy of the complaint, is served on the Register of Copyrights. The Register may, at his or her option, become a party to the action with respect to the issue of registrability of the copyright claim by entering an appearance within sixty days after such service, but the Register's failure to become a party shall not deprive the court of jurisdiction to determine that issue.

(b)(1) A certificate of registration satisfies the requirements of this section and section 412, regardless of whether the certificate contains any inaccurate information, unless—

(A) the inaccurate information was included on the application for copyright registration with knowledge that it was inaccurate; and

(B) the inaccuracy of the information, if known, would have caused the Register of Copyrights to refuse registration.

In a report from the U.S. House of Representatives, Congress said the following about 17 U.S.C. Section 411:

house report no. 94–1476

The first sentence of section 411(a) restates the present statutory requirement that registration must be made before a suit for copyright infringement is instituted. Under the bill, as under the law now in effect, a copyright owner who has not registered his claim can have a valid cause of action against someone who has infringed his copyright, but he cannot enforce his rights in the courts until he has made registration.

The second and third sentences of section 411(a) would alter the present law as interpreted in Vacheron & Constantin-Le Coultre Watches, Inc. v. Benrus Watch Co., 260 F.2d 637 (2d Cir. 1958). That case requires an applicant, who has sought registration and has been refused, to bring an action against the Register of Copyrights to compel the issuance of a certificate, before suit can be brought against an infringer. Under section 411, a rejected claimant who has properly applied for registration may maintain an infringement suit if notice of it is served on the Register of Copyrights. The Register is authorized, though not required, to enter the suit within 60 days; the Register would be a party on the issue of registrability only, and a failure by the Register to join the action would “not deprive the court of jurisdiction to determine that issue.”

So, just remember, to enforce your copyright in a civil suit in the United States, you must at minimum register your work or program with the U.S. Copyright Office.

If you are in another country, you should check on what is required in your country to enforce your copyright.


It is not enough to say that a particular work or program is copyrighted. You must fully complete the copyright registration process, as defined in Title 17 of the Untied States Code (for example, Chapter 4). In fact, 17 U.S.C. Section 411 states:

In a report from the U.S. House of Representatives, Congress said the following about 17 U.S.C. Section 411:

So, just remember, to enforce your copyright in a civil suit, you must at minimum register your work or program with the U.S. Copyright Office.

You assume that the OP is based in the USA . . .
You assume that the OP is based in the USA . . .
Yes, I did, and I shouldn't have (or at least I should have noted that those are the laws in the US). My apologies.