- is it legal? - page 2


here's a copy of their text:

what api are they talking about? am i missing a mt4 server api publicly available?

Perhaps you didn't know, a few years ago MetaQuotes did offer MT4 API, however they dis-continue such API.

Why don't you use Google Advance Search and search for MT API or similar like that. You will find, that's plenty of MT4 API were offered here right inside

And please remove your last post, otherwise it will be considered as spam. We know where multiterminal is and there's no need to bring it here.

Have fun !



Perhaps you didn't know, a few years ago MetaQuotes did offer MT4 API, however they dis-continue such API.

Why don't you use Google Advance Search and search for MT API or similar like that. You will find, that's plenty of MT4 API were offered here right inside

And please remove your last post, otherwise it will be considered as spam. We know where multiterminal is and there's no need to bring it here.

Have fun !


do you have an understanding of what is an api? i'm not talking about different .net/java wrappers running a hidden instance of an mt4 client which communicates with a script/ea. i'm talking about a direct access to a mt4 server with no terminal running required. i'm not sure where are you talking your information from, but metaquotes have never offered a mt4 api, only for mt3.

the link is not spam - it is for metaquotes in case they wish to test it and report back with their findings.


do you have an understanding of what is an api? i'm not talking about different .net/java wrappers running a hidden instance of an mt4 client which communicates with a script/ea. i'm talking about a direct access to a mt4 server with no terminal running required. i'm not sure where are you talking your information from, but metaquotes have never offered a mt4 api, only for mt3.

the link is not spam - it is for metaquotes in case they wish to test it and report back with their findings.

I know what API is and there's no need for you to write it here in the forum, like spamming, you can use your service desk to report directly to MetaQuotes, just go to your MQL5 profile, click service desk and report from there.

Read my previous post, it's been for sale for so long and MetaQuotes knew that. Also this may be interest you

Again, please delete your previous post.


This software is garbage. I highly caution people from using it.  I lost a lot of money dealing with the many bugs.  I purchased this copier in March 2013 and had nothing but trouble with it. First off, were the delays. While trades were placed pretty much at the same time, closing the trades was hit or miss. I had many trades close 5 minutes after the master closed.  Some didn't close at all. At first, I thought it might be my settings and I questioned if I had things set right. Looking on their website, I noticed there is a module labeled STP to allow scalping and forces copies "Real Time", so of course, this must be my problem, so I ordered it. More good money after bad. STP is even more buggy than the first piece of software. Contacting support, I was put in touch with a real piece of work, a support person named Artem. His "Answer" to my problems was to make excuses. He never resolved anything. I would receive answers like, "The software was not designed for your setup", "You can only use the STP software in copier mode on the same machine" (although nowhere did is state this on their website before purchase. Oh, and my favorite, "here is an updated copy, try this". I have tested beta software with less bugs than this system. When I asked for a refund, I was told I could refund the module, but not the original program. So I am on the hook for $2,000. My advice is to stay away from this software and this company. They do not stand by their product, nor do they handle customer issues in a timely manner.  Also be careful, do not allow them to move you beyond the trial period deadline with promises of fixing your problems.