How to check all open orders for specific condition?


Read, and you shall learn function Order select scroll down a little
keep read and read... until u understand the whole thing.

I have read more books than you. That is for sure. I think this forum is where people could help share if want to or help if want to, ... but PLEASE DO NOT BE MY MENTOR!

All right write the code then, we'll help you correct it. :)
ok ok ...

You have a lot of free time probably. Well I did not want help from you, so please stop write on this topic.

All right, I won't reply here. Anyway, with attitude like that, won't help other forumer to help you.

Have fun :)


To onewithzachy and albert_lim83

I have read more books than you.

So I guess you don't need/want any help . . . so why did you post ? are you a troll ?

You have a lot of free time probably. Well I did not want help from you, so please stop write on this topic.

Who is someone then we know from who you wanna have help. Or is someone the name of some person

I think that this is not a forum for MQL4. This is "talking shop" for amateurs that have all time in the world to stick with the other. You motor guy just keep drive you way.

And yes. I do not want help from you. And I am sure that you talk because you can not code it!

Careful with that, look at point 2 of forum rules All of us who replies here may have more experience than you, so you can benefit from their experience

I think that this is not a forum for MQL4. This is "talking shop" for amateurs that have all time in the world to stick with the other. You motor guy just keep drive you way.

And yes. I do not want help from you. And I am sure that you talk because you can not code it!

Maybe you should look at some of my other posts before making such comments . . . you show your own ignorance by what you are writing here . . . not mine. You are correct though, I am an amateur, I do not write code for a living . . . I come here to help others and do not get paid for that either . . . so I am an amateur in that respect too. By implication you must be a Professional, that being the case there is nothing you can learn from any of us . . . so you might as well move on.

Well don't just delete your first post, then again Admin already know what you're doing

And do try google :) LOL